What's Changed
* updated bug report by Lucrezia-Cester in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/223
* Fixes path in CLIparser tests to use TEST_DATA_DIR not relative path by pcw24601 in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/228
* Adds links to hazen documentation by heyhaleema in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/301
* updated a description for the docpot by Lucrezia-Cester in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/281
* Adds SNR test by heyhaleema in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/232
* ACR SNR Functionality by YassineRMH in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/309
* ACR Geometric Accuracy Functionality by YassineRMH in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/312
* ACR Slice Position Functionality by YassineRMH in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/299
* Add relaxometry template files to package by pcw24601 in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/311
* Add images to readme by Lucrezia-Cester in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/304
* Updates SNR image filename reference by heyhaleema in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/315
* Refactor hazen task to snr map by pcw24601 in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/305
* Bump docker/metadata-action from 4.1.1 to 4.3.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/319
* Bump docker/build-push-action from 3.2.0 to 4.0.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/pull/318
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/GSTT-CSC/hazen/compare/1.1.0...1.1.2