New features and minor improvements
- Updated `ExternalResources` to have EntityKeyTable with updated tests/documentation and minor bug fix to ObjectKeyTable. mavaylon1 [872](
- Added abstract static method `HDMFIO.can_read()` and concrete static method `HDF5IO.can_read()`. bendichter [875](
- Added warning for `DynamicTableRegion` links that are not added to the same parent as the original container object. mavaylon1 [891](
- Added the `TermSet` class along with integrated validation methods for any child of `AbstractContainer`, e.g., `VectorData`, `Data`, `DynamicTable`. mavaylon1 [880](
- Added `AbstractContainer.read_io` property to be able to retrieve the HDMFIO object used for reading from the container and to ensure the I/O object used for reading is not garbage collected before the container is being deleted. bendichter oruebel [882](
- Allow for `` to be used instead of `datetime.datetime`. bendichter [874](
- Updated `HDMFIO` and `HDF5IO` to support `ExternalResources`. mavaylon1 [895](
- Dropped Python 3.7 support. rly [897](
- Added HTML repr to `Container` objects which displays an interactive tree of a container's values and children in a Jupyter notebook and other HTML representations. edeno [883](
- Update software_process.rst with the correct external links. mavaylon1 [900](
Documentation and tutorial enhancements:
- Added tutorial for the new `TermSet` class mavaylon1 [880](
Bug fixes
- Fixed CI testing of minimum installation requirements, and removed some gallery tests run on each PR. rly
- Fixed reporting of version when installed using conda. rly [890](
HMDF 3.6.1 (May 18, 2023)
Bug fixes
- Fixed compatibility with hdmf_zarr for converting string arrays from Zarr to HDF5 by adding logic to determine the dtype for object arrays. oruebel [866](