+ (Some) Support for Integrals: If one wants to work exclusively with integrals, it is possible to work with peak less fits. See e.g. `fit integral list`. (opapst)
+ Support for Python3 (warr, opapst) (Closes 12)
+ Automatic recompilation on ROOT version changes (jmayer)
+ Easier installation, e.g. via pip (jmayer)
+ Switch from optparse to argparse (opapst) (Closes 15)
+ Switch from own implementation of error values to uncertainties libary (opapst) (Closes 14)
+ pytest based testing (opapst)
- Changes to display of tables and uncertainties, see `config set table help`, and `config set uncertainties help` (opapst)
- Improvements to calibration fitting procedure (opapst)
- Improvements to tab completion and command line interface (opapst)
- A bit of documentation (6)
- Replace deprecated auto_ptr (warr)
- Allow exiting the program from batch files and other operations (opapst)
- Missing background markers: Unexpected behavior fixed (opapst)
- Diverse other Fixes (opapst, warr, jmayer)
- Change location for user settings/history (opapst)