* Update HEALPix C++ sources to revision 1206 (just maintenance commits) https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/772
* Do not normalize binary arrays https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/767
* Fix unncessary log warning message in plots https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/763
* Fixed double application of `margins` in visualization functions when using subplot syntax and implemented `margins` parameter for `mollview`, `orthview`, and `azeqview` when subplot syntax is not used https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/757
* Fixed `reuse_axes=True` for `cartview` and `gnomview` https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/755
* New features in `projview`: subplots, remove monopole-dipole, labels, tickmarks, graticule, Planck and WMAP colormaps https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/752
* Fixed the CFITSIO version mismatch warning https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/764
* Added colorbar ticks and normalization https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/751
* New `map2alm_lsq` function to iteratively estimate Alm from a map and assess residual error https://github.com/healpy/healpy/pull/734