
Latest version: v2021.1.1

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This version is a minor update containing changes to URLs and language following the renaming of GitHub organization from neuralaudio to hearbenchmark

What's Changed
* Update GH Org Name by jorshi in https://github.com/hearbenchmark/hear-preprocess/pull/131
* Version bump to 2021.1.1 by jorshi in https://github.com/hearbenchmark/hear-preprocess/pull/133

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hearbenchmark/hear-preprocess/compare/v2021.1.0...v2021.1.1


Version used for HEAR 2021 NeurIPS Evaluations

This version:
- Adds all the secret task config files from HEAR 2021
- Adds support for TensorFlow datasets
- Adds split_mode and max_task_duration_by_split in task_config
- Now supports k-fold splits in addition to train/val/test splits
- Adds support for rar files
- Validation for config files

* Open dataset preprocessing, as used in the [leaderboard](https://neuralaudio.ai/hear2021-leaderboard.html)
* Substantial code cleanup and re-factoring


* Migrated preprocessing code from [hear-eval-kit](https://github.com/neuralaudio/hear-eval-kit/)
* office_sounds is based audio and labels DCASE2016 Task 2, but with a completely different train/val/test split.
* speech_commands includes the full test set.



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