What's Changed * Dev by beardymcjohnface in https://github.com/shandley/hecatomb/pull/92 * Update dev by beardymcjohnface in https://github.com/shandley/hecatomb/pull/93 * Dev by beardymcjohnface in https://github.com/shandley/hecatomb/pull/94 * unit test updates by beardymcjohnface in https://github.com/shandley/hecatomb/pull/102
Many bugfixes and new features. Misc refactoring etc to hopefully improve performance with schedulers. The config file has changed quite a bit but it should be more readable and streamlined. There is now a new co-assembly method `--assembly co` or the original and default cross-assembly method `--assembly cross`. `--preprocess` is now `--library`.
What's Changed * Dev by beardymcjohnface in https://github.com/shandley/hecatomb/pull/89
Big update with lots of bugfixes, pipeline improvements, CLI changes etc.
New release. This update includes a ton of bugfixes as well as new features including new and updated preprocessing modules for single-end seq, longread seq, and round AB random RNA amplification library preps.