* Setting names can now include the `.` character
* Added schema information for setting types
* Added POST, PATCH and DELETE API's to context_features, allowing run-time modifications
* Added POST, PUT, GET and DELETE API's to edit metadata (setting and rule)
* A route to explicitly change the type of a setting
* Added the ability to set an alias while declaring a setting,
that can then be used interchangeably with the original setting name
* Added a PUT API to setting, to rename a setting and adding the previous name as an alias
* Heksher now uses sqlalchemy instead of databases
* inline_sql method removed, uses sqlalchemy validation instead
* metadata is now stored in seperate tables
* metadata keys are restricted to alphanumeric characters, underscore and dash
* better health checks - ping and cache periodically
* removed yellowbox as a non-dev dependency
* getting a specific rule would only return the first condition
* Changed coverage checking to coverage