In this version two new properties have been added to `Hentai` objects:
- `self.thread -> List[Comment]`
- `self.related -> List[Hentai]`
Additionally, datetime objects returned in any of this module's methods have been
made utc-timezone aware. URL properties in `Tag` objects now also return a fully
qualified path, e.g.
from hentai import Hentai, Tag
doujin = Hentai(177013)
old output:
/language/english/, /language/translated/
new output:,
print(Tag.get(doujin.language, 'url'))
The `Tag` class now also features a static `Tag.list` method for the following
tag types:
- `Option.Artist`
- `Option.Character`
- `Option.Group`
- `Option.Parody`
- `Option.Tag`
- `Option.Language`
which returns all tags available related to the options above. This may be used
in combination with the
- `search_by_tag(id_: int, page: int=1, sort: Sort=Sort.Popular, handler=RequestHandler()) -> List[Hentai]`
method for browsing the nhentai catalogue by tag ID.