* Adds unit tests to check that `validator_schema_version` option is passed correctly.
* Remove `--dry-run` option from `SetupTestCase` in `test_setup.py`.
* Remove circular dependence on `HEPData/hepdata-converter-ws-docker` repository.
* Run Travis CI tests inside a `hepdata-converter` (not `hepdata-converter-ws`) Docker image.
* Require `hepdata-converter>=0.1.35,<0.2` and `flask>=1.1.1,<2` in `setup.py`.
* Remove temporary files written to `/tmp` following a failed conversion.
* Prevents file system of the Docker container being filled (Jan. 2020).
* Tidy `README.md` file, add badges, include as `long_description` of `setup.py`.