* Changes and improvements to pmatch tools, hfst-tokenize, hfst-optimized-lookup, hfst-lookup and hfst-xfst
* Fix bugs in flag elimination
* Swap directions of 'apply up' and 'apply down' in hfst-xfst, so that these commands work in the same way as in foma and xfst.
* Add a new tool called hfst-flookup. It does lookup from right to left, in the same way as foma's flookup and xerox's lookup. The tools hfst-lookup and hfst-optimized-lookup stay as they are.
* Improvements to pmatch and optimized lookup
* Make hfst-fst2fst print a more informative error message if a gzipped native foma transducer is given as input.
* Changes and improvements in Python interface:
* Transducer functions returning a reference to the transducer now return void.
* Tentatively add some pmatch functions.
* Add some two-level rule functions.
* Support lookup for transducers not in optimized-lookup format.
* Support Python 2 unicode strings in lookup.
* Improvements to tokenization and pmatch tools
* License for the library code (under libhfst and python directories) is now LGPL 3
* Make python bindings compatible also with python2
* Add time cutoff option to hfst-pmatch and hfst-proc2
* Rename hfst-proc2 to hfst-tokenize, with hfst-proc2 and hfst-tokenise as aliases
* Use standard c++0x when compiling unless a higher standard is required with -std
* Check automake version during configuration to determine whether header files generated by yacc/bison should use extension .h (automake < 1.12) or .hh (automake >= 1.12)
* Omit infinitely ambiguous check in hfst-lookup when time cutoff is defined
* Improvements in Xerox markup rules
* A bugfix in compile-replace in hfst-xfst
* Improvements in pmatch tools, hfst-optimized-lookup, hfst-reweight, hfst-pair-test and hfst-substitute
* A bugfix in priority union
* Implement a new Python API
* Add option --time-cutoff to hfst-lookup
* Remove option --minimizeFlags from hfst-lexc and minimize flags by default, add option --alignStrings
* Add support for controlling input and output streams in xre, xfst and lexc compilers
* Update foma back-end
* Improve handling of negative weights, check for epsilon cycles with negative weights and issue a warning, if needed
* Improvements and bug fixes to hfst-optimized-lookup, hfst-proc2, hfst-proc and hfst-pmatch
* Reduce memory leaks when using hfst-ol format
* Support flag diacritics in replace rules
* Rewrite markup rules
* Make command line tools perform automatic conversion when processing transducers whose types differ
* Bugfixes and improvements to many tools, including hfst-xfst, hfst-proc(2), hfst-lexc, hfst-pmatch(2fst), hfst-reweight, hfst-pair-test, hfst-compose-intersect
* Better support for command line tools on windows