* Telegram error check.
* Change slave to agent.
* Verify reality configs correctness.
* Add warning for reality.
* Disable warning to close.
* Add telegram messages.
* Send message to clients.
* Reality is comming.
* Add reality.
* Ask before doing actions.
* Better domain manager.
* Hirarchy admin.
* Multiple admin level, seperated usage per admin, parent_panel, backup to telegram, send message to telegram.
* Add parent panel.
* 7days.
* Flow.
* Bug in adding special char.
* Flow bug.
* Reality xtls.
* No commit message.
* Unsupported reality.
* Update.
* Permission erros and coutdown in persian error.
* Telegram bot.
* Bug.
* Bug.
* Check.
* Test: reality domains.
* Chack organizarion name.
* Add user link to msg.
* Show warning for invalid alias.
* Test: reality.
* Add reality.
* Add reality tag.
* Update lang.
* Remove speedtest.
* Update to 1.8.1.
* Fix.
* Update: translation.
* Fix bugs.
* Update py.