- BREAKING: `miru.Select` has been renamed to `miru.TextSelect` along with the decorator `miru.select` to `miru.text_select`.
- BREAKING: `miru.ext.nav.NavSelect` has been renamed to `miru.NavTextSelect`.
- Added `miru.UserSelect`, `miru.RoleSelect`, `miru.ChannelSelect`, `miru.MentionableSelect` along with their respective decorators.
- Added `Nav` variants of all new selects to `miru.ext.nav`.
- Added `miru.ext.nav.NavigatorView.swap_pages()` to allow mutating the pages of a navigator after instantiation.
- Added initial framework and CI for unit testing in the library.
- Improved the validation of item properties.
- Added note about `miru.load` and `miru.unload` being removed in 3.1.0 to deprecation warning.
- Fixed `TextInput.min_length` and `TextInput.max_length` not being able to be set to ``None``.
- Minor documentation and other fixes.