Breaking Changes
- Refactors to the component builder interfaces which make them flatter:
* Removed `add_to_container` from `ButtonBuilder`, `LinkButtonBuilder`, `InteractiveButtonBuilder`, `SelectMenuBuilder`, `ChannelSelectMenuBuilder`, and `TextInputBuilder`; these classes are no-longer generic and no-longer take `container` in their inits.
* Replaced `TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_to_container` with the `TextSelectMenuBuilder.parent` property.
This new property doesn't "finalise" the addition but rather just returns the parent object, or raises if the select menu is an orphan. This change also involves replacing the `container` parameter in `TextSelectMenuBuilder.__init__` with an optional `parent` parameter.
* Removed `SelectOptionBuilder.add_to_menu`; this class isn't generic anymore.
* `TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_option` now takes all the option's configuration as parameters and returns `Self`.
* Split `MessageActionRowBuilder.add_button` into `.add_interactive_button` and `.add_link_button`.
These both now take all the button's configuration as parameters and return `Self`.
* `MessageActionRowBuilder.add_select_menu` now takes all the menu's configuration as parameters and returns `Self`.
The new `.add_channel_menu` and `.add_text_menu` methods should be used for adding text and channel menus. Where `.add_channel_menu` returns `Self` and `.add_text_menu` returns a text menu builder with a `parent` property for getting back to the action row builder.
* `ModalActionRowBuilder.add_text_input` now takes all the text input's configuration as parameters and returns `Self`.
* `min_length` and `max_length` can no-longer be `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` for the text input builder, and default to `0` and `4000` respectively. This change effects both the types accepted by `ModalActionRowBuilder.__init__` and the return types of the relevant properties.
* Removed the `emoji_id` and `emoji_name` parameters from `LinkButtonBuilder.__init__`, and `InteractiveButtonBuilder.__init__`.
* Removed the `style` and `custom_id` parameters from `LinkButtonBuilder.__init__`.
* Removed the `url` parameter from `InteractiveButtonBuilder.__init__`. ([1533](
- Remove previously deprecated functionality:
- `Intents.GUILD_BANS` (deprecated alias for `Intents.GUILD_MODERATION`)
- `ComponentType.SELECT_MENU` (deprecated alias for `Intents.TEXT_SELECT_MENU`)
- Not passing type through `type` argument explicitly to `MessageActionRowBuilder.add_select_menu` ([1535](
- Renamed `StickerPack.banner_hash` to `StickerPack.banner_asset_id`. ([1572](
- Renamed `TextInputBuilder.required` property to `TextInputBuilder.is_required`. ([1533](
- Passing `CommandChoice`s instead of `AutocompleteChoiceBuilder`s when making autocomplete responses. ([1539](
- `` moved to `hikari.impl.gateway_bot`. ([1576](
- `Role.mention` now returns `"everyone"` for the `everyone` role. ([1528](
- Refactors to the component builder interfaces which make them flatter:
* `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` can now be passed to `TextInputBuilder.set_placeholder` and `TextInputBuilder.set_value`.
* The standard implementation of a select option builder is now exposed at `hikari.impl.special_endpoints.SelectOptionBuilder`. ([1533](
- `CommandChoice.name_localizations` field and separate `AutocompleteChoiceBuilder` for use when making autocomplete responses. ([1539](
- Implement guild role subscriptions. ([1550](
- Add `Role.is_guild_linked_role`. ([1551](
- `hikari.iterators.LazyIterator.flatten` method for flattening a lazy iterator of synchronous iterables. ([1562](
- Support sending stickers when creating a message. ([1571](
- Added several set methods for required values to the builders:
* `CommandBuilder.set_name`
* `SlashCommandBuilder.set_description`
* `InteractiveButtonBuilder.set_custom_id`
* `SelectOptionBuilder.set_label`
* `SelectOptionBuilder.set_value`
* `SelectMenuBuilder.set_custom_id` ([1574](
- `emoji=` can now be passed to `LinkButtonBuilder.__init__` and `InteractiveButtonBuilder.__init__` alone without causing serialization issues (and Pyright will now let you pass it). ([1533](
- Open `banner.txt`s with `utf-8` encoding explicitly. ([1545](
- Pyright will now let you pass `role_mentions` and `user_mentions` to `InteractionMessageBuilder.__init__`. ([1560](
- Fixed forum channel applied tags not being a sequence of snowflakes. ([1564](
- Switch to using <> for emoji images. ([#1568](
- Fixed sticker pack handling and typing:
* Fixed deserialization raising when `"banner_asset_id"` or `"cover_sticker_id"` weren't included in the payload.
* `StickerPack.banner_asset_id` is now correctly typed as `Optional[Snowflake]`.
* `StickerPack.banner_url` and `StickerPack.make_banner_url` both now correctly return `None` when `StickerPack.banner_asset_id` is `None`. ([1572](