* Stacks support axes, math operations, projection, setting items, and
iter/dict construction. They also support histogram titles in
legends. Added histoprint support for Stacks.
* Added `name=` and `label=` to histograms, include Hist arguments in
QuickConstruct. [297](https://github.com/scikit-hep/hist/pull/297)
* AxesTuple now supports bulk name setting,
`h.axes.name = ("a", "b", ...)`.
* Added `hist.new` alias for `hist.Hist.new`.
* Added `"efficiency"` `uncertainty_type` option for `ratio_plot` API.
Smaller features or fixes:
* Dropped Python 3.6 support.
* Uses boost-histogram 1.2.x series, includes all features and fixes,
and Python 3.10 support.
* No longer require scipy or iminuit unless actually needed.
* Improve and clarify treatment of confidence intervals in `intervals`
* Use NumPy 1.21 for static typing.
* Support running tests without plotting requirements.