This is HLSVDPROPY release version 2.0.0, it is a 'pure Python' implementation
of the algorithm provided by the Fortran HLSVDPRO version 2.0.0 package.
Note. We are starting with version 2.x to be in line with the version of
HLSVDPRO to which it corresponds.
HLSVDPRO 2.x was adaptated to use PROPACK library version 2.1 to implement the
HLSVDPRO algorithm as described in:
Laudadio T, et.al. "Improved Lanczos algorithms for blackbox MRS data
quantitation", Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 157, pages 292-297, 2002.
we are using the scipy.linalg.sparse.svds() algorithm to replace PROPACK.
Otherwise, the algorithm remains the same.
HLSVDPROPY version 2.0.0 is compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.x.