The CMD Release
New Features
* `hoki.cmd`: a module containing the `CMD` class which allows users to make their own synthetic Colour-Magnitude Diagrams from the BPASS models. It includes a plotting function like the one contained in `HRDiagrams`.
* `hoki.load.unpickle()`: a quick function to unpickle your files in one line instead of 3. Useful for those pickling CMD objects.
* `hoki.load.set_models_path()`: A function to update the `settings.yaml` file with the users's own absolute path to the stellar models so they don't have to locate `settings.yaml` and edit it manually`.
Why is it in beta now?
We've done more user testing, fixed a few bugs and have added most core features of `hoki`.
We now look forward to users breaking the code and reporting the bugs.
What's next?
**Spectra !** I've started working on Integral Field Unit data and will be playing with putting together BPASS spectra and observations.
**If you have any feature request, let me know by opening an issue!**
_Corresponding [pypi release](