
Latest version: v0.10.1

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2017-08-31 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Updated install script to include libpython2.7-dev as a require dependency.
* added better error messages for unsupported operating systems/platforms.


2017-08-08 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Fixed SMS timestamp issue. (wrong offset value)

2017-07-28 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Added cellular modem id property in ISerial interface

2017-07-27 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Fixed existing PPP session check whenever a double cellular connect is called.

2017-07-26 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Made write interface public and added Serial unit tests.

2017-07-17 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Refactored Serial interfaces.
* Fixed bug where AT commands made might cause the serial buffer to be in
an unexpected state that hang the modem.

2017-07-10 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Renamed iota to Nova
* Moved examples folder to the top level directory
* Fixed false negative debug output that says a message isn't sent via OTP.

2017-06-20 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Fixed incorrect pid parser that cause PPP processes to not be detected
or killed.

2017-06-16 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Fixed out of range Exception bug in modem location property.
* Fixed bug in Location date property parser.

2017-06-06 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Fixed regression on custom exceptions not having a handler.

2017-06-05 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Updated requirements.txt to always use the latest python sdk auth package.
* Added custom Hologram exceptions to the SDK.

2017-06-02 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Fixed Hologram Spacebridge and Heartbeat

2017-06-01 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Added better spacing for CLI help subcommand descriptions
* Added default send cloud and receive data for Hologram CLI
* Turned off exception stack trace when program is terminated via SIGTERM.
* Better CLI messages and error handling (on CLI parameters + options).

2017-05-17 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Added receive sms feature
* Added auto PPP session detection
* Threaded serial output buffer in the Serial interface to listen for URC events
* Deprecated hologram_* CLI commands in favor of hologram <subcommand>s.
* Added operator, location and modem type (name) properties for cellular modems.

2017-04-18 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Deprecated cloud_id and cloud_key credentials in favor of a single devicekey.
* Deprecated getSDKVersion() in favor of .version property.
* Deprecated getNetworkType() in favor of .network_type property.
* Deprecated mode choices in the modem interface.
* Added sendPeriodicMessage() feature in CustomCloud + HologramCloud interface.
* Added serial mode interface for cellular modems.
* Deprecated chatScriptFile in favor of chatscript_file. Sticking to underscores
for properties, camelCase for public methods/interfaces.
* Added credentials property in authentication class.
* Made certain properties persistent within the SDK (to minimize user errors
when trying to set/change them after instantiation.

2017-04-03 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Deprecated consumeReceivedMessage() interface in favor of popReceivedMessage()
* Added more CLI scripts for sending messages via an active cellular connection.
* Added CLI scripts that are automatically added to your PATH via setup.py.
* Renamed default chatscript and moved it to a chatscripts folder under the modem interface

2017-03-16 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Released hologram-python version 0.3.0
* Added network interfaces for the Hologram SDK.
* Added cellular network support via PPP for the iota, Huawei MS2131, and E303 modems.

2017-02-14 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Released hologram-python version 0.2.0
* Refactored Cloud interfaces - They are now named Cloud, CustomCloud and
HologramCloud instead of Raw and Cloud.
* Added more *Cloud interface unit tests
* Added inbound connection interface.
* Added socket timeout flags for both inbound and outbound interfaces.
* Added and optimized Hologram CLI scripts.
* HologramCloud now parses Hologram specific return types and alerts the
user via the logging framework.

2017-02-01 Hologram <supporthologram.io>
* Released hologram-python version 0.1.1
* Added sendMessage and sendSMS functionality.
* Examples and unit tests.

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