What's Changed
Another update mainly to get dependencies updated.
New feature to easily access raw websocket api endpoints to do cli operations
using websocket before there is a custom command for it.
* feat(plugin): hass-cli raw ws for websocket apis (274) maxandersen
Dependency updates and minor fixes
* Remove duplicate constant (302) fabaff
* build(deps): bump ruamel-yaml from 0.16.2 to 0.16.5 (270) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump voluptuous from 0.11.5 to 0.11.7 (267) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump ruamel-yaml from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2 (268) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump ruamel-yaml from 0.15.100 to 0.16.1 (265) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump voluptuous-serialize from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (266) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump ruamel-yaml from 0.15.99 to 0.15.100 (262) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump ruamel-yaml from 0.15.97 to 0.15.99 (261) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump bcrypt from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7 (258) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump ruamel-yaml from 0.15.94 to 0.15.97 (255) dependabot-preview
* build(deps): bump cryptography from 2.6.1 to 2.7 (254) dependabot-preview
* Upgrade ruamel.yaml to 0.15.96 (251) fabaff
* Bump requests from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0 (250) dependabot-preview
* fix(build): try make releases to testpypi work (247) maxandersen
* Fix for examples regarding "--columns" to make examples work (at leas… (305) haakonstorm
* fix(typing): master broken due to new typing rules/deps. (309) maxandersen
* Bump Black to 19.10b0 (311) quamilek
* Set pydocstyle to >=4.0.0,<5 (301) fabaff
* Set pylint to >=2.3.1,<2.4 (300) fabaff
* Set wheel to >=0.33.1,<0.4 (299) fabaff
* Set coveralls to >=1.2.0,<2 (298) fabaff
* Set flake8 to >=3.7.7,<4 (297) fabaff
* Set black to >=19.3b0,<20 (296) fabaff
* Set requests_mock to >=1.6.0,<2 (295) fabaff
* Set pytest-cov to >=2.6.1,<3 (294) fabaff
* Set mock-open to >=1.3.1,<1.4 (293) fabaff
* Set pytest-sugar to >=0.9.2,>0.10 (292) fabaff
* Set jsonpath-rw to >=1.4.0,<2 (291) fabaff
* Set pytest-timeout to >=1.3.3,<1.4 (290) fabaff
* Set click-log to >=0.3.2,<0.4 and click to >=7.0,<8 (283) fabaff
* Set requests to >=2.22.0,<3 (287) fabaff
* Set regex to >=2019.08.19 (278) fabaff
* Set pytest to >=5.1.2,<6 (285) fabaff
* Set mypy to >=0.710,<0.8 (286) fabaff
* Use recommended shebang style (see Fedora documentation) (289) fabaff
* Lighten netdisco dependency requirements (277) fabaff
* Set certifi to >=2019.06.16 (281) fabaff
* Set dateparser to >=0.7.1,<0.8 (288) fabaff
* Set aiohttp to >=3.5.4,<4 (282) fabaff
* Set ruamel.yaml to >=0.16.5,<0.17 (279) fabaff
* Set tabulate to >=0.8.3,<0.9 (284) fabaff
* Fix pytz (280) fabaff