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Alrighty, it's time for Home Assistant 0.10. A lot amazing things have changed and sadly we also had to introduce a bunch of backwards incompatible changes.

I would like to give a big shoutout to philipbl who put a lot in effort in helping the migration to move towards using templates for a wide variety of platforms.

In this release:
- Device tracker: iCloud platform added (xorso, kevinpanaro)
- Frontend: Improved caching using service workers if served over SSL (balloob)
- Sensor: Twitch platform added (happyleavesaoc)
- Template support (balloob, philipbl, fabaff)
- Thermostat: Heatmiser platform added (andylockran)
- Sensor: Dweet.io platform added (fabaff)
- Alexa/Amazon echo component added (balloob)
- Device Tracker: FritzBox platform added (deisi, caiuspb)
- Sensor: Wink now supports the Egg minders (w1ll1am23)
- Sensor: ELIQ Online platform added (molobrakos)
- Binary sensor: REST platform added (fabaff)
- Sensor: Torque (OBD2) platform added (happyleavesaoc)


This release introduces templates. This will allow you to parse data before it gets processed or create messages for notifications on the fly based on data within Home Assistant. Templates can be specified using Jinja2 templates ([docs](http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/templates/)) with some Home Assistant specific additions:
- Iterating `states` will yield each state sorted alphabetically by entity id
- Iterating `states.domain` will yield each state of that domain sorted alphabetically by entity id
- `states.sensor.temperature` returns state object for `sensor.temperature`
- `states('device_tracker.paulus')` will return the state of given entity or `unknown` if it doesn't exist.
- `is_state('device_tracker.paulus', 'home')` will test if given entity is specified state.

There are also two extra filters: `multiply` and `round`. Both which convert strings to numbers before doing their job.

Example templates and what they could result in:

| Template | Output |
| --- | --- |
| `{{ states('device_tracker.paulus') }}` | home |
| `{{ states.device_tracker.paulus.attributes.battery }}` | 34 |
| `{% for state in states.sensor %}{{ state.entity_id }}={{ state.state }}, {% endfor %}` | senor.thermostat=24, sensor.humidity=40, |
| `{{ value['hello'][0] | multiply(10) | round(1) }}` | 10.2 |

{% if is_state('device_tracker.paulus', 'home') %}
Ha, Paulus is home!
{% else %}
Paulus is at {{ states('device_tracker.paulus')) }}.
{% endif %}

The notification component and the new Alexa/Amazon Echo component are both using the new template functionality to render responses.

A template editor has been added to the developer tool section in the app so you can get instant feedback if your templates are working or not.

Breaking changes

Templates will now be the only way to extract data from 'raw' sources like REST, CommandSensor or MQTT. This will replace any specific option that used to do this before. This means that `precision`, `factor`, `attribute` or `json_path` etc will no longer work.

Affected components and platforms:
- sensor: arest
- sensor: command_sensor
- sensor: rest
- sensor: MQTT
- switch: MQTT
- rollershutter: MQTT
- light: MQTT
- binary_sensor: MQTT
- automation: numeric_state


Not secure
We accidently introduced a bug that broke authenticating to the API by adding `?api_password=X` to the url. This release fixes it.

Extra in this release:
- Renamed component `influx` to `influxdb`
- Support for SSL

ssl_certificate: /etc/letsencrypt/live/hass.example.com/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/hass.example.com/privkey.pem


This will be the initial release of Home Assistant v0.9.0. Four new components and a few new platforms. Mainly a lot of bug fixes.
- New lock component including wink support (miniconfig)
- New binary sensor component including aRest and MQTT support (fabaff)
- New Rollershutter component including MQTT support (sfam)
- New InfluxDB component to store data in InfluxDB (fabaff)
- Thermostat: ecobee now supported (nkgilley)
- Support for parsing JSON values received over MQTT (mcdeck)
- Thermostat: Homematic now supported (goir)
- Bunch of bug fixes and optimizations

![screen shot 2015-12-06 at 11 47 32](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1444314/11615195/3681a8e4-9c0f-11e5-83b4-73ba2fbccb0d.png)

PS: _no, next version is not going to be 1.0_


- Thermostat: Honeywell now supported (sander76)
- Light: MQTT platform now supported (hexxter)
- Light: Allow controlling color temperature (tomduijf)
- Frontend contains updated icons and now supports custom icons for entities (balloob)
- Frontend: about page added (balloob)
- New component `logger` allows filtering logged data (badele)
- Light: Z-Wave platform now supported (leoc)
- Switch: Z-Wave platform now supported (leoc)
- Camera: mjpeg camera's now supported (ryanturner)
- Clean up notify component (balloob)
- Switch RGB as the color unit to be used in light component (balloob)
- Notify: pushetta platform now supported (fabaff)
- Switch: Orvibo platform now supported (happyleavesaoc)
- New component `updater` will notify users if an update for Home Assistant is available (rmkraus)
- Re-install platform and component dependencies after a Home Assistant version upgrade (balloob)
- Notify: PushBullet now allows targeting contacts/channels/specific devices (tomduijf)

Example to add an icon to customize entity
Pick any icon from https://materialdesignicons.com/ and prefix with mdi:
icon: 'mdi:air-conditioner'

Breaking changes
- This update will break the naming of icons. This impacts anyone that has set up a zone with an icon.
- Service calls to LimitlessLED lights now need to specify colors using RGB values instead of XY


Not secure
Yep, that's version 0.7.7 right there. We caught a major regression that caused scripts to stop working. This is being fixed now.

The script component would use the alias as the key for the script instead of the key in the configuration.

alias: Hello World

This configuration used to result in a service called `script.hello`. In 0.7.6 it accidentally became `script.hello_world`. This PR makes it `script.hello` again.

Also fixes another regression where the aRest component expecting a pins config key, even if no pins are wanted to be observed.


Not secure
This release includes a lot of cleanup, added test coverage and the usual new supported platforms.

Breaking changes

Yep, sadly we had to break some stuff to improve our robustness. Each piece of code should do 1 thing and 1 thing well, this was not the case.

**Heat Control thermostat no longer includes any scheduling.**
This feature has been removed completely. Use the `automation` component instead to control target temperature.

**Config changed for calling a service from a script.**
The new way of doing it is to specify `service:` where you used to specify `execute_service:`. The old method will continue working for some time.

**Scenes can no longer be turned off.**
It is no longer possible to turn a scene off after it has been activated. This was only possible if activated manually and no other changes to target entities was made afterwards. Most devices had small changes in their reported state over time which would disable the turning off option. This caused a lot of confusion so it was decided to remove it.

**Downloader treats relative paths now based on config dir instead of current working dir.**
This makes more sense as most people run Home Assistant as a daemon

New in this release
- Device tracker: Newer TP-Link routers now supported (mKeRix)
- Alarm Control Panel: Manual alarm added (sfam)
- Thermostat: Radiotherm now supported (toddeye)
- Media Player: Amazon FireTV now supported (happyleavesaoc)
- Device Tracker: Geofancy now supported (wind-rider)
- New component Shell Command can expose shell commands as services (balloob)
- Scripts can now be customized using `customize` key in `configuration.yaml` (balloob)
- Light: Hyperion now supported (MakeMeASandwich)
- Sensor: aRest can now also read out pins (balloob)
- Sensor: Forecast.io now supports specifying units in `configuration.yaml` (balloob)
- Thermostat: Heat Control has been completely rewritten (balloob)
- Switch: Rest now supported (bachp)
- Media Player: Plex can now be auto discovered and configure itself (tomduijf)
- Downloader will now treat relative paths based on config dir (tomduijf)
- Line Charts will use interpolation for sensor data and show current and target temperature for thermostats (balloob)
- Component pages on the website have been given an enourmous boost in usability (fabaff, balloob)
- Device Tracker: OpenWRT ubus platform added (krzynio)

![screen shot 2015-10-25 at 20 17 44](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1444314/10721526/64023c84-7b62-11e5-9478-65eb48112620.png)

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