hplib - heat pump library
Repository with code to
- build a **database** with relevant data from public Heatpump Keymark Datasets
- identify **efficiency parameters** from the database with a least-square regression model
- **simulate** heat pump efficiency (COP) as well as electrical (P_el) & thermal power (P_th) and massflow (m_dot) as time series.
For the simulation, it is possible to calculate outputs of a **specific manufacturer + model** or alternatively for one of **6 different generic heat pump types**.
If you're interested in how the database and parameters were calclulated, have a look into the Documentation [HTML](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/RE-Lab-Projects/hplib/blob/main/docs/documentation.html) or [Jupyter-Notebook](https://github.com/RE-Lab-Projects/hplib/blob/main/src/documentation.ipynb). There you also find a **simulation examples** and a **validation**.
Download or clone repository:
`git clone https://github.com/RE-Lab-Projects/hplib.git`
Create the environment:
`conda env create --name hplib --file requirements.txt`
Create some code with `import hplib` and use the included functions `load_database`, `get_parameters` and `simulate`.
Heat pump models and Group IDs
The hplib_database.csv contains the following number of heat pump models, sorted by Group ID
Group 1, Outdoor Air / Water, Regulated (366 Models)
Group 2, Brine / Water, Regulated (54 Models)
Group 3, Water / Water, Regulated (0 Models)
Group 4, Outdoor Air / Water, On-Off (23 Models)
Group 5, Brine / Water, On-Off (53 Models)
Group 6, Water / Water, On-Off (10 Models)
All resulting database CSV file are under [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The following columns are available for every heat pump of this library
Manufacturer | Name of the manufacturer
Model | Name of the heat pump model
Date | heat pump certification date
Type | Type of heat pump model
Subtype | Subtype of heat pump model
Group ID | ID for combination of type and subtype
Refrigerant | Refrigerant Type
Mass of Refrigerant [kg]| Mass of Refrigerant
SPL indoor [dBA]| Sound emissions indoor
SPL outdoor [dBA]| Sound emissions outdoor
PSB [W] | Eletrical power consumption, standby mode
Climate | Climate definition for set points, which were used for parameter identification |
P_el_ref [W]| Electrical power at -7°C / 52°C
P_th_ref [W]| Thermal power at -7°C / 52°C
p1-p4_P_th | Fit-Parameters for thermal power
p1-p4_P_el | Fit-Parameters for electricl power
p1-p4_COP | Fit-Parameters for COP
MAPE_P_el | mean absolute percentage error for electrical input power (simulation vs. measurement)
MAPE_COP | mean absolute percentage error for thermal input power (simulation vs. measurement)
MAPE_P_th | mean absolute percentage error for coefficient of performance (simulation vs. measurement)
Input-Data and further development
The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) hosts a website with the results of laboratory measurements from the keymark certification process. For every heat pump model a pdf file can be downloaded from https://keymark.eu/en/products/heatpumps/certified-products.
This repository is based on all pdf files that were download for every manufacturer on 2021-03-12.