FQN (full qualified name) should not contains ":", only dots to the target class.
when fqn is in url, browser considers ":" as a protocol, and all goes wrong ;-(. Now, the trouble is gone away.
Now, **AppServer** is fully compatible with WebServer/WebServerWS/WebHTTP/WebWS (classic web ones), except :
- if you are on a SSL transport, you should instance `AppServer(ssl=True)` (to let the ws communicates on wss:// in place of ws:// (default))
- when you hit F5, it doesn't reuse the instance (like classic web ones), it destroy/recreate all. So states should be saved in `self.root.state` (dict)
- no unittests on htagweb.AppServer yet (NEED TO CREATE SOMES)
I use it in production, on https://www.mlan.fr/ ...and seems to works great with all my htag apps (not availables for all)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/manatlan/htagweb/compare/v0.7.0...v0.7.1