- posts are sorted
- routes for tags and authors
- tags are sized based on number of times used
- custom meta tags and use in templates
- override templates
- separate folders for posts (think blog) and pages (think about, contact)
- Atom feed for all posts
- multiple author support
Release Steps
- Change version in pyproject.toml
- Add changes to
git add -u
git commit -m "Version X"
git tag vX
git push origin main
git push origin vX
rm -r dist
rm -r venv
rm -r htmd.egg-info
find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -r {} +
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/python -m pip install pip setuptools wheel --upgrade
venv/bin/python -m pip install build --upgrade
venv/bin/python -m build
venv/bin/python -m pip install twine
venv/bin/twine check dist/*
venv/bin/twine upload dist/*
- Create new release in GitHub