The 0.11 release reintroduces our sync support, so that `httpj` now supports both a standard thread-concurrency API, and an async API.
Existing async `httpj` users that are upgrading to 0.11 should ensure that:
* Async codebases should always use a client instance to make requests, instead of the top-level API.
* The async client is named as `httpj.AsyncClient()`, instead of `httpj.Client()`.
* When instantiating proxy configurations use the `httpj.Proxy()` class, instead of the previous `httpj.HTTPProxy()`. This new configuration class works for configuring both sync and async clients.
We believe the API is now pretty much stable, and are aiming for a 1.0 release sometime on or before April 2020.
- Top level API such as `httpj.get(url, ...)`, `, ...)`, `httpj.request(method, url, ...)` becomes synchronous.
- Added `httpj.Client()` for synchronous clients, with `httpj.AsyncClient` being used for async clients.
- Switched to `proxies=httpj.Proxy(...)` for proxy configuration.
- Network connection errors are wrapped in `httpj.NetworkError`, rather than exposing lower-level exception types directly.
- The `request.url.origin` property and `httpj.Origin` class are no longer available.
- The per-request `cert`, `verify`, and `trust_env` arguments are escalated from raising errors if used, to no longer being available. These arguments should be used on a per-client instance instead, or in the top-level API.
- The `stream` argument has escalated from raising an error when used, to no longer being available. Use the `` or `` streaming API instead.
- Redirect loop detection matches against `(method, url)` rather than `url`. (Pull 734)