Improvements 🚀
This release adds:
* support for Huawei EMMA devices (unstable)
* auto-discovery of devices during initial setup, making it unnecessary to lookup the Modbus Slave ID's of each device.
* Sensors for temperatures of individual battery packs (by TomHarm in 830)
* MPPT scan interval is now configurable (by TomHarm in 830)
Fixes 🐛
* Fix serial connection (was broken in v1.5.0 and v1.5.1, cfr: 901)
* Update of some `device_class` and `entity_class` values to remove warnings in logs (by peetersch in 817)
* fix unit of reactive power (by mpw96 in
* Fix writing TOU registers (cfr. )
* Fix support for Huawei-inverters that were rebadged by EDF (cfr. 902) and other brands (was broken in v1.5.2, cfr. 906)
Dependency upgrades 📦
This integration relies on the Python library 'pyModbus' to communicate with your Huawei Solar installation via the Modbus protocol. Other integrations, like the native `modbus`-integration of Home Assistant do the same. Recently, the pyModbus project released a series of releases containing breaking changes. When this integration is used in conjunction with other integrations which rely on an incompatible version, this breaks your installation as only one version of pyModbus can be installed at any one time. This led to issues in HA2025.1 (cfr. issue 873).
This release upgrades the pyModbus version used to v3.8.3, which is in line with the version used by the native `modbus`-integration of HA 2025.2, restoring compatibility.
> [!NOTE]
> If you use other (custom) integrations which rely on incompatible pyModbus versions, then these compatibility problems will persist until the other integration also upgrades their pyModbus dependency. Please contact the author of that integration if that is the case.
Looking for translators 🔡
The new EMMA-sensors need translating!
Are you willing to help translate this integration? We now use Crowdin to make it easy to contribute translations.
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**Full Changelog**: