
Latest version: v2.5.2

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Not secure
Adds flag to preserve result-store value in certain circumstances. Contains yet
more hacking at the consumer configuration options, specifically hard-coded
defaults are removed from the option definitions.

The `run_huey` management command was simplified as we are dropping support for
older (officially unsupported) versions of Django.

Added a `sqlitedb` contrib module that uses a local SQLite database instead of
Redis for Queue persistence, task scheduling and result-storage.

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Not secure
Contains an attempt at fixing the django management command handling of the
`default` option.

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Not secure
Contains small bugfix for an earlier bugfix meant to prevent time.sleep() from
being called with a negative time interval.

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Not secure
Removed the metadata APIs added in 1.1.0, as they seemed poorly-designed and
altogether a decent idea terribly implemented. Perhaps something I'll revisit,
but which should be easy to implement as a third-party library using the events

* `AsyncData` is renamed to `TaskResultWrapper`.
* `Huey.result()` is a new method that provides the result of a task, given a
task ID.
* Fixed a handful of bugs related to the error serialization.
* Change the default consumer log handler from RotatingFileHandler to the
vanilla FileHandler class.

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Not secure
I've added a new API for fetching a task's result given on the task's ID. You
can now call `huey.result(task_id)` and retrieve the result if the task has
finished executing. Additionally, the [Huey.result](
method accepts the same parameters as [AsyncData.get](,
allowing you to block for results, specify a timeout, etc.

There is also a new parameter on the above methods, ``preserve=False``. By
default, the result store will delete a task result once it has been read. Specifying
``preserve=True`` ensures the data is not removed.

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Not secure
This is a small release with a couple minor bugfixes.

* Fixed task metadata serialization bug. 140
* Small cleanup to event iterator storage implementation.
* Updated [getting started documentation](
to reflect changes in the 1.x APIs.

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