
Latest version: v3.4.5

Safety actively analyzes 682471 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Added ``test_loader`` keyword to support custom test loaders

* Added ``setuptools.file_finders`` entry point group to allow implementing
revision control plugins.

* Added ``--identity`` option to ``upload`` command.

* Added ``dependency_links`` to allow specifying URLs for ``--find-links``.

* Enhanced test loader to scan packages as well as modules, and call
``additional_tests()`` if present to get non-unittest tests.

* Support namespace packages in conjunction with system packagers, by omitting
the installation of any ```` files for namespace packages, and
adding a special ``.pth`` file to create a working package in

* Made ``--single-version-externally-managed`` automatic when ``--root`` is
used, so that most system packagers won't require special support for

* Fixed ``setup_requires``, ``tests_require``, etc. not using ``setup.cfg`` or
other configuration files for their option defaults when installing, and
also made the install use ``--multi-version`` mode so that the project
directory doesn't need to support .pth files.

* ```` is now forcibly closed when any errors occur while reading
it. Previously, the file could be left open and the actual error would be
masked by problems trying to remove the open file on Windows systems.




* Fixed the ``develop`` command ignoring ``--find-links``.




* The ``sdist`` command no longer uses the traditional ``MANIFEST`` file to
create source distributions. ```` is still read and processed,
as are the standard defaults and pruning. But the manifest is built inside
the project's ``.egg-info`` directory as ``SOURCES.txt``, and it is rebuilt
every time the ``egg_info`` command is run.

* Added the ``include_package_data`` keyword to ``setup()``, allowing you to
automatically include any package data listed in revision control or

* Added the ``exclude_package_data`` keyword to ``setup()``, allowing you to
trim back files included via the ``package_data`` and
``include_package_data`` options.

* Fixed ``--tag-svn-revision`` not working when run from a source

* Added warning for namespace packages with missing ``declare_namespace()``

* Added ``tests_require`` keyword to ``setup()``, so that e.g. packages
requiring ``nose`` to run unit tests can make this dependency optional
unless the ``test`` command is run.

* Made all commands that use ``easy_install`` respect its configuration
options, as this was causing some problems with `` install``.

* Added an ``unpack_directory()`` driver to ``setuptools.archive_util``, so
that you can process a directory tree through a processing filter as if it
were a zipfile or tarfile.

* Added an internal ``install_egg_info`` command to use as part of old-style
``install`` operations, that installs an ``.egg-info`` directory with the

* Added a ``--single-version-externally-managed`` option to the ``install``
command so that you can more easily wrap a "flat" egg in a system package.

* Enhanced ``bdist_rpm`` so that it installs single-version eggs that
don't rely on a ``.pth`` file. The ``--no-egg`` option has been removed,
since all RPMs are now built in a more backwards-compatible format.

* Support full roundtrip translation of eggs to and from ``bdist_wininst``
format. Running ``bdist_wininst`` on a setuptools-based package wraps the
egg in an .exe that will safely install it as an egg (i.e., with metadata
and entry-point wrapper scripts), and ``easy_install`` can turn the .exe
back into an ``.egg`` file or directory and install it as such.




* Fixed some problems building extensions when Pyrex was installed, especially
with Python 2.4 and/or packages using SWIG.

* Made ``develop`` command accept all the same options as ``easy_install``,
and use the ``easy_install`` command's configuration settings as defaults.

* Made ``egg_info --tag-svn-revision`` fall back to extracting the revision
number from ``PKG-INFO`` in case it is being run on a source distribution of
a snapshot taken from a Subversion-based project.

* Automatically detect ``.dll``, ``.so`` and ``.dylib`` files that are being
installed as data, adding them to ``native_libs.txt`` automatically.

* Fixed some problems with fresh checkouts of projects that don't include
``.egg-info/PKG-INFO`` under revision control and put the project's source
code directly in the project directory. If such a package had any
requirements that get processed before the ``egg_info`` command can be run,
the setup scripts would fail with a "Missing 'Version:' header and/or
PKG-INFO file" error, because the egg runtime interpreted the unbuilt
metadata in a directory on ``sys.path`` (i.e. the current directory) as
being a corrupted egg. Setuptools now monkeypatches the distribution
metadata cache to pretend that the egg has valid version information, until
it has a chance to make it actually be so (via the ``egg_info`` command).




* Fixed missing gui/cli .exe files in distribution. Fixed bugs in tests.




* Added ``gui_scripts`` entry point group to allow installing GUI scripts
on Windows and other platforms. (The special handling is only for Windows;
other platforms are treated the same as for ``console_scripts``.)


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