This release renames the module and repository to humioapi to better
communicate what this python module actually is.
- The `humioapi.async_streaming_tasks` function which constructs asyncronous HTTP streaming search tasks in the form of asyncronous generators.
- The `humioapi.consume_async` helper function which can be used to consume the asyncronous streaming tasks from a non-asyncronous context as if they were a ordinary python generator.
- Removed `requests` in favor of `httpx`
- All `start` and `stop` parameters now accept multiple timestamps, which will be parsed with `humioapi.parse_ts`. In other words they can be `millisecond-epochs` (as Humio likes it), relative Splunk-style `snaptime tokens`, `iso8601 time strings` (or any other time format supported by `pendulum.parse`).
- Renamed `end` to `stop` in all API functions, since `start/stop` sound better to me than `start/end`, plus this has the bonus effect that the fields are sorted near each other in logging output :)
- Made `pandas` optional (its only used in the POC/playground timeseries after all)
- All time parsing that previously resulted in a `pandas.Timestamp` now use `pendulum.Datetime` instead.
- Better defaults in `humioapi.QueryJob`
- Renamed `humiocore` to `humioapi`.