🚀 Features
- Add a correct endpoint for CRL retrieving . GH-547
📚 Documentation
- Fixes close quotes in example usage of read_secret_version. GH-557
- Fixes typo in docs: much -> must. GH-555
🧰 Miscellaneous
- Don't send optional parameters unless explicitly specified. GH-533
*Note*: [GH-533](https://github.com/hvac/hvac/pull/533) includes fundamental behavior involving sending parameters
to API requests to Vault. Many hvac method parameters that would have been sent with default arguments no
longer are included in requests to Vault. Notably, the following behavioral changes should be expected (copied from the
related PR comments):
- CHANGED: `create_role` parameter `policies` now accepts CSV string or list of strings
- CHANGED: `create_role` documentation updated to something meaningful 🙃
- `configure` parameter `google_certs_endpoint` is deprecated
- `create_role` parameter `project_id` is deprecated by `bound_projects` (list)
- `configure` is missing a lot of parameters
- CHANGED: `configure` parameters `user_dn` and `group_dn` made optional
- Retained argument position to prevent being a breaking change
- CHANGED: `hvac/constants/ldap.py` file removed as it is no longer used
- This entire endpoint is deprecated so I didn't bother updating it
- CHANGED: `configure` parameter `base_url` default value now differs from API documentation
- This is likely just a [documentation issue](https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/issues/7653)
- `register_user`, `read_user`, and `delete_user` duplicate URL parameter `username` in JSON payload
- I left this one as-is as it doesn't appear to hurt anything
- Ditto for `delete_group`, but `register_group` and `list_group` correctly omit it
- CHANGED: `sign_data` and `verify_signed_data` optional parameter `marshaling_algorithm` added
- `configure` is missing a lot of parameters
- BUG: `register_user` attempted to convert `username` string into a CSV list (?!) for POST data
- Didn't hurt anything as `username` is extracted from URL path in Vault server
- BUG: `register_user` parameter `policies` never actually passed as parameter
System Backend:
- Auth
- `enable_auth_method` parameter `plugin_name` is deprecated
- CHANGED: `enable_audit_device` optional parameter `local` was added
- Init
- `initialize` provides default for required API parameters `secret_shares` and `secret_threshold`
- Key
- `start_root_token_generation` parameter `otp` is deprecated
- There seems to be some discrepancy on how "extra arguments" are accepted:
- Some methods use only `**kwargs` (e.g. `hvac/api/system_backend/auth.py`)
- Some use `*args` and `**kwargs` (e.g. `hvac/api/secrets_engines/active_directory.py`)
- `hvac/api/secrets_engines/pki.py` uses `extra_params={}`
- Most argument names match API parameter names, but some don't
- Example: `hvac/api/auth_methods/ldap.py` `configure` uses `user_dn` instead of `userdn`
- Example: `hvac/api/system_backend/auth.py` `configure` uses `method_type` instead of `type`
- Many methods duplicate URL parameters into JSON payload as well
- This isn't necessary and fortunately Vault ignores the extra parameters
- `ttl`, `max_ttl`, `policies`, `period`, `num_uses` and a few other fields are deprecated as of Vault version 1.2.0
- https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#120-july-30th-2019
Thanks to findmyname666, llamasoft, moisesguimaraes, philherbert and Adrian Eib for their lovely contributions.