
Latest version: v0.20.0

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Release including a 1-D transient heat conduction equation for calculating the temperature gradient through the vessel wall. Bi-material are also allowed, effectively enabling low conductivity materials and Type III/IV vessels to be investigated.


Hydrogen (or other pure gas phase species) pressure vessel filling and discharge calculations.

All basic functionality for single component gas pressurisation/depressurisation implemented. For steel vessels the results have been validated against experiments from the scientific literature. Rudimentary multicomponent capability.


Hydrogen (or other pure gas phase species) pressure vessel filling and discharge calculations.

All basic functionality for single component gas pressurisation/depressurisation implemented. For steel vessels the results have been validated against experiments from the scientific literature. Rudimentary multicomponent capability.

This version is the first to be accompanied by a PyPi release.


All basic functionality for single component gas pressurisation/depressurisation implemented. For steel vessels the results have been validated against experiments from the scientific literature.


First version working reasonably well with most needed features implemeting. Some work is required to provide meaningful messages to errors in input/yaml. Some convienece features are also lacking such as result arrays stored as pandas dataframe, optimisation/solvers for valve sizing is also lacking. More elaboration on heat transfer correlations is required as well as a transient 1-D heat transfer model to handle other materials than fairly dense metals.


The first version with basic functionality implemented: testing, input file format, and schema check, calculation class and utility functions. Most calculation methods and combinations are implemeted except fire (variable) external heat load. Some validation pending for filling.

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