
Latest version: v0.3.0

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.. _Semantic Versioning: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html


This release introduces a new separate class to prepare D-Emission models **DemissionModel** and adds several new features to the **DelwaqModel** class.
You will need to re-install hydromt-delwaq to use this new version.

- **DemissionModel** class: specific class to prepare D-Emission models. Can be accessed in the command line using **demission** entrypoint.
- **setup_climate_forcing** method to add climate data to a delwaq or demission model.
- **pointer** property for DelwaqModel to easily access pointer properties such as number of segments, exchanges, fluxes etc.
- **read_config** method to read the config files from the config folder.
- **write_waqgeom** method to write a waqgeom file in order to save Delwaq outputs in NetCDF format (not written by default).
- New workflows to prepare Delwaq config **workflows.config** and forcing **workflows.forcing**.

- **DelwaqModel** (delwaq) only builds classic D-Water Quality models. For D-Emissions model use the new DemissionModel class (hydromt build demission).
- DelwaqModel (and DemissionModel) are subclasses of the HydroMT core GridModel and core GridModel methods are now available.
- **setup_basemaps** method is now more flexible to include any flux and boundary exchange to surface_water that the user wishes to include rather than a few predefined fluxes only.
- **setup_basemaps** method allows to add any variable from hydromodel to the staticdata grid.
- **setup_monitoring**: for monitoring areas, 'compartments' option is not available anymore (only surface_water) and a new option for 'riverland' to distinguish between river and land cells was added.
- **setup_hydrology_forcing**: added option to support summing delwaq flux and volumes using different variables from the hydrology forcing data source. Eg. surface water volume can be river+lake+reservoir volumes. Check the documentation for more details.


- Added dependency to tqdm for progress bars in the write_forcing method.
- Added dependency to xugrid to produce the waqgeom file.


Small changes to release on conda-forge and update the example notebooks to hydromt version >= 0.7.0 (region argument is optional and artifact_data not read by default).
The documentation was also update to the new light theme style.


We now use rioxarray to read raster data. We recommend reinstalling your hydromt and hydromt_delwaq environment including the rioxarray package.
Following an update in xarray, hydromt version should be >= 0.5.0.


- New setup_sediment_forcing method to add eroded soil particles emissions as input to the river in the WQ component.
Different particles size can be taken into account.


- Faster method for fraction calculation in setup_emission_vector
- New area method for setup_emission_vector


- Added rioxarray dependency for xr.open_rasterio deprecation


This release introduces a new component to prepare road related data and adds several fixes for computation of hydrological forcing.


- Option to add a minimum water volumes to avoid zero volume errrors in setup_hydrology_forcing.
- Road network processing in setup_roads.


- Rewrite and update of the setup_emission_mapping component.


- Fixed the waqgeom file for FEWS.
- Reproject the hydrology forcing to the model grid to avoid inverted latitudes.
- Fixes for volume computations.
- Tests and examples linked to updates in the data catalog names.


- Added changelog.
- Update of the template after updae of sphinx_rtd_theme.




- Compatibility with wflow Julia.


- Compatibility of the plugin on Linux.
- Bugfix error when running setup_emission_raster in update mode.


- Additional notebooks.
- Working Binder environment.

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