
Latest version: v0.8.0

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The work for this update was done during the Mozilla Global Sprint 2017. Thank you alysivji and rarredon for your contributions! Thanks stephwright and the Mozilla Open Science Team for organizing an awesome event!

New Features:

+ If legend is not explicitly given, it can be computed implicitly by passing `legend=True`
+ Align flag added to `hyp.plot` function
+ Align flag added to `hyp.tools.reduce` function
+ Reduce flag added to `hyp.tools.align` and `hyp.tools.procrustes` functions
+ Align and reduce flags added to `hyp.tools.load` function
+ Updated examples with new syntax

Bugs Squashed:

+ Fixed import bug for saving animations
+ Fixed bug in align function where an extra column(s) of zeros were appended to data before alignment if ndims<=2


new features, new code organization and also some style changes!

Key changes:

- The way we handle args. Now, all keywords are handled explicitly, instead of unpacking them using the **kwargs syntax. This makes the code much cleaner, and easier to parse arguments.

- The organization of the plotting code. I eliminated the separate static and animate code bases, bc there was a lot of redundant code and handling args was a mess. its now organized into a plot function, which is the main plotting function that also handles data manipulation prior to plotting, and a draw function, which handles all static and animated drawing.

- Plot styling. All styles are now consistent, the static plots are now the same as the animated plots. Also, all lines/points are thinner.

- New keyword arguments to the plot function:
+`fmt` in 0.1.0, format strings were handled as arguments, but now they are passed as a kwarg. since the fmt kwarg is the first param after the data, the API in 0.1 and 0.2 is the same, except in 0.1 format strings could be passed in any position, and now they must be passed immediately after the data.
+`title` can be passed to add a title to the plot
+`elev` can be passed to change the elevation of the plot. useful for static plots in jupyter notebooks
+`azim` can be passed to change the azimuth of a plot. useful for static plots in jupyter notebooks
+`precog` is an animation only feature which plots a low-opacity trace ahead of the data (similar to chemtrails but in the opposite direction.
+`bullettime` (animation only) is the same as the combinations of precog and chemtrails
+`animate='spin'` will create a "static" plot (i.e. all the data is plotted at once) that rotates
+return_data has been eliminated. the data is now always returned by default

Minor changes:

+ changed 'weights' example data from 3D numpy array to list of 2D numpy arrays
+ updated examples for new 'weights' data format
+ remove docs _build folder from repo
+ added requests to setup.py file
+ remove rogue class from init file

Bugs fixed:

if the rank is of the input matrix is smaller than the number of dimensions requested, the reduce function will now pad the reduced data matrix with ndims-rank columns of zeros.


+ added load function to load in example data
+ moved example data out of repo to google drive

Bugs squashed:
+ added missing `import sys` statement to helpers.py
+ fixed bug with in example scripts dealing with missing data
+ fixed bug that caused software to crash when using PPCA
+ fixed bug in readthedocs build caused by empty toctree


- fixed bug where `group` kwarg caused code to crash on some systems
- fixed bug where requirements still listed matplotlib <2.0, even though it is supported
- patched bug where tail_duration would crash if not an integer value
- added warning to align function when n features exceeds n samples


- Added support for maplotlib 2.0
- Added future package to setup.py so its automatically installed


- Support for Python 3.4+

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