- Support event logging in the workspace, use `log_event` to log events in the workspace and use `get_events` to get the events in the workspace. The events will be persists in the SQL database.
- Allow passing workspace and expires_in to the `login` function to generate workspace specific token.
- When using http endpoint to access the service, you can now pass workspace specific token to the http header `Authorization` to access the service. (Previously, all the services are assumed to be accessed from the same service provider workspace)
- Breaking Change: Remove `info`, `warning`, `error`, `critical`, `debug` from the `hypha` module, use `log` or `log_event` instead.
- Support basic observability for the workspace, including workspace status, event bus and websocket connection status.
- Support download statistics for the artifacts in the artifact manager.
- Change http endpoint from `/{workspace}/artifact/{artifact_id}` to `/{workspace}/artifacts/{artifact_id}` to make it consistent with the other endpoints.