
Latest version: v0.5.2

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Bug fixes

- Document that editable installs are recommended for developers in manual and
exception message (167)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)

New features

- Save R,Z locations for all four corners of each cell (168)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- `PsiContour.plot()` and `FineContour.plot()` can be called with an `ax`
argument, and passing `psi` is optional (163)\
By [Ben Dudson](https://github.com/bendudson)


New features

- Command line utility to get flux surfaces from a geqdsk file and save them to
NetCDF (156)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)


Breaking changes

- Renamed command line programs to make the style consistent. All now use '-'
as a separator, not '\_' (142)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Change how initial spacing of points on separatrix for nonorthogonal grids is
calculated (this spacing is used to construct the underlying orthogonal
grid). Now use weights that are just
{`cos(0.5*pi*i/index_length)**2`,`sin(0.5*pi*i/index_length)**2`} rather than
trying to construct a function that will give the same spacings when called
with the 'orthogonal spacing' that came from the initial call passed in as
`sfunc_orthogonal`. This means that the underlying orthogonal grid does not
rely at all on `nonorthogonal_*` settings, so removes an issue where some
grids could only be constructed by generating first with one set of
`nonorthogonal_*` settings, then changing them and regridding. It also
removes the possibility of a "Weight too small. Suggest increasing poloidal
'range' settings" error, since the branch that produced that error no longer
exists. Does change the nonorthogonal grids that will be produced by
hypnotoad, although the integrated tests pass without updating the expected
results, so the changes should be small (less than 1e-9 for the integrated
test cases) (138)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)

Bug fixes

- Catch error when `psi_sol_inner` is set wrong. Add suggestions to 'gradient
at end should be positive' error message (130)\
By [Ben Dudson](https://github.com/bendudson)
- Fix `psi_axis` check when `reverse_current=True` (131)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Errors when setting options could crash GUI. Can now change string options in
GUI. Reset to old value if invalid value is passed for some option. Type name
is actually shown in error message pop-up when incorrect type is passed
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Fix potential error in check of X-point `psi` vs. `psinorm_sol` (143)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)

New features

- Create a manual for hypnotoad (145)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Convenience script for making a plot of an equilibrium from a geqdsk file (139)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- If an `int` (or other `Number`) literal is passed to a float-type option, it
is converted implicitly instead of causing an error. (134)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)


Bug fixes

- Fix for circular geometries with non-constant q (120)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)

New features

- Command to recreate input file and gfile from a grid file (119)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Save all variables at `xlow` positions (as `*_xlow`), as these can be used by BOUT++ to create `CELL_XLOW` `Coordinates` objects. Also save the positions of the cell corners (`Rxy_corners` and `Zxy_corners`) as these may be useful for plotting (118)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Add executable `hypnotoad_plot_grid_cells` that takes a grid file as input and uses `xbout` to plot the grid cells from the newly added corner positions (118)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)


Bug fixes

- Small fixes and minor optimizations for nonorthogonal gridding (113)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Pass `psi` to keyword argument where this update had been missed previously
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Fix plotting of poloidal lines in Mesh.plotPoints() (113)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Minor fixes updating TORPEX case (106)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Fix crash in hypnotoad-gui if input file did not contain an 'orthogonal'
setting (106)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)

New features

- Save poloidal distances along psi contours to grid file (116)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Option to reverse sign of toroidal magnetic field Bt for TokamakEquilibrium (114)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Enable DCT interpolation scheme in TokamakEquilibrum, can be selected with new option
psi_interpolation_method (113)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Add xpoint_offset option for TORPEX case (113)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- Clean up of examples. Input files from examples/tokamak can now be used with
hypnotoad-gui (106)\
By [John Omotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)
- psi_axis and psi_bdry are added to the grid file for post-processing.
The calculated values should be consistent with the EFIT data (112)\
By [Qian Xia](https://github.com/Vandoo)


One-line update to fix packaging so hypnotoad installs correctly.

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