**Note: People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.**
**Release date:** 08 February 2021
**Supports:** Python 3.6+.
New features
* Added restricted permutation functionality for Dcorr
* Kernel functions now wrap scikit-learn and support keyword arguments
* `hyppo.ksample.Energy`
* `hyppo.ksample.DISCO`
* `hyppo.ksample.MMD`
* Fast 1D exact Dcorr `O(n log n)`
* `hyppo.ksample.Hotelling`
* `hyppo.ksample.MANOVA`
* `hyppo.independence.MaxMargin`
Bug Fixes
* Fixed error check for k-sample tests to be between samples instead of within
* Time series doesn't clip negative values
* Fix docs not building on netlify
* Fix p-value calculations for permutation tests to be more in line with the literature
* Fix `hyppo.independence.Dcorr` and `hyppo.independence.Hsic` incorrect stats
* Update badges and README to FIRM guidelines
* Incorrect equation in :meth:`hyppo.tools.circle` docstring
* Update README to be in line with scikit-learn
* Remove literature reference section in docstrings, add links to papers
* Add docstrings for :mod:`hyppo.tools` functions
* Add ``overview.py`` file for an overview of the package
* Add tutorials folder, rewrite so it is more user-friendly (port independence, k-sample, time series)
* Add examples folder with more information about unique features
* Move to ``sphinx-gallery`` instead of nbconvert
* Use ``automodule`` instead of ``autoclass``
* Make clear about the package requirements and docs requirements
* Make ``changelog`` into a single file
* Add external links to neurodata and code of conduct
* Add citing page to cite the package papers
* Make index page a clone of README
* Update MakeFile for more options
* Add intersphinx mapping with links externally (``numpy``, ``scipy``, etc.) and internally
* Add docs for statistic function
* Add discriminability tutorial
* Fix typos in warning commits
* Updated tests to precalculate distance matrix
* Moved from Travis CI to Circle CI
* Raise base ``requirements.txt`` to fix failing tests on CircleCI
* Add code coverage config files
* Add documentation folders and files to ``.gitignore``
* Remove ``reps`` warning test
* Cache numba after first call to speed up runs
* Fix netlify config to new doc build structure
+ Sambit Panda
+ Vivek Gopalakrishnan +
+ Ronak Mehta
+ Ronan Perry +