
Latest version: v1.2.0

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* An empty string is now used as a fallback for missing metadata fields (artist, title). Previously, an exception would be raised if any of the required fields were missing.



* The blocklet now works with any media player that supports the MPRIS D-Bus interface, not only the Spotify app. A new required parameter `player` was introduced. To indicate this change, the blocklet was renamed from `i3blocks-spotify-persist` to `i3blocks-mpris`.
* The minimum Python version was bumped to 3.6.


* The `PlaybackStatus` and `Metadata` properties is now cached to properly handle the `PropertiesChanged` signal. There was no issue with the Spotify app purely by chance.
* Fixed erroneous `init_player()` logic.



* Fixed an issue where the blocklet would hang up hugging CPU when Spotify app was not running for a while (https://github.com/un-def/i3blocks-spotify-persist/issues/6).

Internal Changes

* The `NameOwnerChanged` signal is now used instead of `time.sleep(1)` polling to get the `Spotify` object. This change provides a fix for the issue mentioned above.
* The `stdin` input thread was replaced with GIO `InputStream` async (callback-based) reads.
* Some “public” methods and a constructor of the `SpotifyBlocket` class were changed. Although these changes are actually breaking from a “public” API point of view, there was only a minor (not major) version bump since it's unlikely that the blocket is used as a Python library by anyone.



* Added support for command line arguments.
* Deduplication of messages — the updated message will be printed only if it differs from the previous one.


* The default format now uses a textual status instead of an icon.
* Pango markup escape is now disabled by default


The first public release.



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