^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Ticker.marketDataType`` added to indicate the delayed/frozen status of the ``reqMktData`` ticks.
* ``IB.reqHistoricalData()`` has a new ``timeout`` parameter that automatically cancels the request after timing out. * ``BracketOrder`` is iterable again. * ``IB.waitOnUpdate()`` returns ``False`` on timeout now. * :pull:`210`: Fix decoding of execDetails time. * :pull:`215`: New scanner notebook added, courtesy of C. Valcarcel. * :pull:`220`: Added ``readonly`` option for Watchdog. * Fixed :issue:`221`: Delayed close ticks handling by ``Ticker``. * Fixed :issue:`224`: Added timeout for ``completedOrders`` request during connect. * Fixed :issue:`227`: ``IB.MaxSyncedSubAccounts`` added. * Fixed :issue:`230`: Fixed ``IB.reqHistogramData`` method. * Fixed :issue:`235`: ``Order.discretionaryAmt`` is now of type ``float`` (was ``int``). * Fixed :issue:`236`: ``ticker.updateEvent`` is now fired for any change made to the ticker. * Fixed :issue:`245`: Emit ``trade.statusEvent`` when order is implicitly canceled by a problem. * You can now `sponsor the development of IB-insync! <https://github.com/sponsors/erdewit>`_
* PR 205 adds more typing annotations. * ``dataclasses`` are now used for objects (instead of inheriting from a base ``Object``). For Python 3.6.* install it with ``pip install dataclasses``
* PR 196 treats error 492 as a warning so that scanner results can still be used.
* PR 184, 185 and 186 add the new Ticker fields ``rtTradeVolume``, ``auctionVolume``, ``auctionPrice`` and ``auctionImbalance``. * PR 191 lets ``util.schedule`` return a handle that can be canceled. * PR 192 adds ``throttleStart`` and ``throttleEnd`` events to the ``Client``. * PR 194 adds better JSON support for ``namedtuple`` objects.
* Fix bug 178: ``Order.totalQuantity`` is now float.