* New option for circular contours with radii sent as parameters (25)
* deprecate log_func
* <bot> update requirements-examples.txt
* <bot> update requirements-tests.txt
* <bot> update requirements.txt
* deprecate upload-func
* deprecate further slack posting logic
* further remove deprecated logic
* assume we always save plots
* single source of truth for inches/dpi
* remove unused vars
* remove import io
* update example
* de-type plotting function
* some notes from mypy
* mypy readiness step
* <bot> update setup.cfg
* <bot> update requirements-examples.txt
* <bot> update requirements-tests.txt
* <bot> update requirements.txt
* Testing conection branch skymist
* Fixed minor bug in result.py, function make_plot_zoomed()
* Fixed minor bug in result.py, function make_plot_zoomed(), part 2
* Testing conection branch skymist Part 2
* New boolean value to identify rude events
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 1
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 2
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 3
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 4
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 5
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 5
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 6
* Exploring new contours for rude events Part 7
* Implemented contours for rude events
* <bot> update requirements-examples.txt
* Solve issues for merge
* Moved circular_contour() to class level
* Missing self in circular_contour() on class level
* boolean parameter &39;is_rude&39; changed in &39;circular&39;. Added 50% and 90% radii as parameters.
* Improved handling of circular contours with numpy
* Fixed error in calling np.dstack()
* Fixing bugs after implementation of np.dstack()
* circular_contour() as static method
Co-authored-by: Massimiliano Lincetto <m.lincettogmail.com>
Co-authored-by: wipacdevbot <developersicecube.wisc.edu> ([`24ff08b`](https://github.com/icecube/skyreader/commit/24ff08b393df39da21b3d540c7e3197b7d400f29))