This release brings lots of improvements to the high level API for Django.
* New feature: Supports Microsoft Entra External ID with custom domain. Please refer to [the configuration]( for the details.
* New feature and breaking change: Those Django views decorated by `settings.AUTH.login_required` must accept a keyword parameter `context` now, such as `def index(request, *, context)`. And the signed-in user's information is available in `context["user"]`.
* New feature and breaking change: Django views can now be decorated by `settings.AUTH.login_required(scopes=["your_scope"])` and accept a keyword parameter `context`, such as `def call_web_api(request, *, context)`. The access token will be available in `context["access_token"]`. The old pattern `identity.django.Auth(...).get_token_for_user()` is removed. The token usage is therefore vastly simplified.
* Enhancement: After a successful re-sign-in triggered by `settings.AUTH.login_required`, the user will be brought back to the current page, not the index page.
* Enhancement: The initial sign-in no longer uses scope, thus more likely to succeed. The subsequent token-demanding views will automatically trigger the consent (when necessary); this is also known as "incremental consent".
* Breaking change: `identity.django.Auth(..., scopes=...)` parameter is removed.
* Dropping support for Python 3.7.
**Full Changelog**: