- Add the possibility to plot and update frames in the Matlab visualizer.
- Added ``getFileLocationOnLocalFileSystem`` method in ``ExternalMesh`` that attempts to find the mesh location in the local file system. This is now used by the ``Visualizer`` when loading the robot model ( This can also be used by the `iDynTreeWrapper.prepareVisualization` MATLAB function, if `meshFilePrefix` is explicitly set to `""` (
- Add the possibility to extract submatrix with MatrixView (
- Improved the Visualizer library: camera animations and corrections, interface for frames and texture, fix of ``STL`` visualization. These improvements also include mouse control support for the camera, also in the `idyntree-model-view` application (
- Promoted the functions `computeBoundingBoxFromShape` and `computeBoxVertices` to public in the `idyntree-solid-shapes` library (
- The `idyntree-yarp` and `idyntree-icub` libraries are now header-only, and are always installed even if `IDYNTREE_USES_YARP` or `IDYNTREE_USES_ICUB_MAIN` are set to `OFF`, to simplify deployment of the library. The downstream libraries that want to use them need to find and link `YARP` and `ICUB` CMake packages on their own (
- Fixed the `IDYNTREE_USES_IRRLICHT` option when `irrlicht` is installed via vcpkg (