* build(setup.cfg): update settings ([`ca24ad1`](
* build(setup.cfg): upload to PyPi ([`8393d82`](
* build: increase version ([`72c3305`](
* build: move to semantic versioning ([`38b5a9f`](
* build: update version ([`e3798df`](
* build: cache docker images ([`4f503e4`](
* build: use docker for installation tests ([`173e417`](
* build: install package in separate virtual environment ([`79f2811`](
* build: use CI number as version postfix ([`fe60fab`](
* build: remove `setup_requires` ([`e681e1d`](
* build: don&39;t use docker ([`1009c4d`](
* build: no prompt for `pip uninstall` ([`04b8055`](
* build: tests for build ([`ee65b0a`](
* build: fix jobs ([`1f16cfb`](
* build: use build jobs ([`3e5ccf6`](
* build: different python versions in build matrix ([`631ef5a`](
* build: fix build config ([`611d560`](
* build: optimize tox config ([`9d26cd3`](
* build: update version ([`5db7dcd`](
* build: remove `setup_requires` section
build: add classifiers for all supported python versions ([`b7dd489`](
* build: increase version ([`c728072`](
* build: remove obsolete `sudo` directive ([`5d981ea`](
* build: version update ([`54208f6`](
* build: increase version ([`b6214ba`](
* build: add exception for docs build script ([`917e8be`](
* build: flake for Travis ([`9eccca8`](
* build: explicitly mark &39;twine&39; version (bug in travis) ([`7eab9c3`](
* build: add Travis CI ([`8b1b6ac`](
* build: increase version ([`c0eab75`](
* build: increase version ([`3d9ac4b`](
* build: setup tools for PyPi ([`efb0666`](
* ci(deploy.yml): fix semantic release ([`87d48fe`](
* ci(deploy): use semantic release Github Action ([`c5a1581`](
* ci: fix conditions ([`1321575`](
* ci: split build and deploy into two pipelines ([`4e94027`](
* docs: icon for CI status ([`f2b9e1d`](
* docs: fix sphinx warnings ([`b9b4250`](
* docs: add missing empty line ([`06a475a`](
* docs: basic readme ([`b3b0914`](
* docs: add sphinx files ([`e9938db`](
* docs: documentation for `units_converter` ([`515f389`](
* feat: add energy to calculator ([`8cf1e7a`](
* feat: add plots examples ([`c5d2839`](
* feat: get rid of pandas dependency ([`669b1a8`](
* feat: declare support py>=2.7 ([`ce3be6b`](
* feat: `tox` framework ([`4d9b2a5`](
* feat: flake8 linter ([`9b4fd60`](
* feat: class for all calculations ([`1477444`](
* feat: `get_all_properties` with dumping to csv file
feat: `get_metal_specific_volume` -- &39;v&39; in atomic units
ref: small cleanup ([`6872a53`](
* feat: save to csv file;
feat: add Copper to examples; ([`7bfa530`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_sound_speed_entropy` ([`dd206f8`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_sound_speed_temperature` ([`2c46447`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_heat_capacity_pressure` ([`5876160`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_heat_capacity_volume` ([`51ed0d8`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_entropy` ([`e44badc`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_pressure` ([`7c0585c`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_F_potential` ([`9b5f9d0`](
* feat: ndarray in `get_chemical_potential` ([`d918b46`](
* feat: accept *args and **kwargs (just ignore them) ([`091ae08`](
* feat: plot mu from T ([`296b8c4`](
* feat: prettify graph visualizer ([`9a5388b`](
* feat: add grid to plots ([`2d8e880`](
* feat: example ([`2c1e161`](
* feat: converter from density to specific volume in SI ([`8492a3c`](
* feat: entropy, heat capacity and sound speed convert ([`1a85503`](
* feat: convert for volume and pressure ([`e0a24f3`](
* feat: units converter. Energy and temperature only ([`660ae0e`](
* feat: calculator for atomic units ([`54c946b`](
* fix(setup.cfg): syntax quotes ([`d6b45bf`](
* fix: increase version ([`da8920f`](
* fix: p -> P in `get_all_properties` ([`a420a50`](
* fix: duplicate classifiers ([`aafbeef`](
* fix: better threshold value for low-temperature limits ([`d406b9a`](
* fix: hypothesis warnings ([`5f96a7d`](
* fix: syntax for py=2.7 in tests ([`c2a16b2`](
* fix: precision problem on low temperatures ([`9e2b83d`](
* fix: mistype in low temp test for C_S ([`887a800`](
* fix: change numpy assert functions to `assert_allclose` since they are more stable ([`47e3939`](
* fix: get rid of hypothesis since it is broken for py2.7 ([`b2d54de`](
* fix: true division for py<3 ([`07049b9`](
* fix: less RAM consumption ([`d18dd8d`](
* fix: python2.7 compatibility ([`dc41ab9`](
* fix: incorrect converter ([`a1bbd76`](
* fix: cast to np.array ([`9b6c526`](
* fix: fix incorrect power in fdk (float division on python2.*) ([`d7b5194`](
* fix: type annotation for python2.7 ([`0bf065f`](
* fix: typo in convert variable ([`64201aa`](
* fix: support for py>=3.5 ([`26336ee`](
* fix: remove saving data in ([`58788f3`](
* fix: flake8 errors ([`f9ff175`](
* fix: early import crash in both `` and `` ([`b5ac91f`](
* fix: `setup` script crash because of early imports ([`d58a8bc`](
* fix: `setup_requires` ([`3ce66ab`](
* fix: remove redundant dependencies ([`89ae6f2`](
* fix: install dependencies ([`6338e91`](
* fix: mark as for Python>=3.6 ([`f4b4c9b`](
* fix: broken examples ([`273aa89`](
* fix: `get_metal_specific_volume` returns values in SI ([`6091c63`](
* fix: missing documentation for functions in `` ([`e8bf0c1`](
* fix: pass *args and **kwargs to _fdk ([`7ab53d5`](
* fix: warn about one parameter as vector problem ([`a2dc37f`](
* fix: specify package version in `` ([`a78b82f`](
* fix: conflict of `master_doc` on local machine and RTD ([`ec53a35`](
* fix: explicitly import functions ([`1c19166`](
* fix: don&39;t show plots ([`89b97d7`](
* fix: plot mu/T instead of mu; plot C_S^2 instead of C_S ([`b1171c6`](
* fix: incorrect syntax ([`e3d2c33`](
* fix: remove unused import ([`2f77e7e`](
* style(setup.cfg): exclude venv from flake8 ([`d07f4c5`](
* style(setup.cfg): semantic release config ([`cf1b028`](
* test: increase deadline for C_P low-temp test ([`4eaa8aa`](
* Merge pull request 20 from alekseik1/fix/setup
build(setup.cfg): upload to PyPi ([`4c33c15`](
* Merge pull request 19 from alekseik1/semantic_versioning
Semantic versioning ([`fe31161`](
* Merge pull request 18 from alekseik1/github_actions
GitHub actions ([`7e18b02`](
* CI: tolerate existing test builds ([`acbad60`](
* CI: build only wheel package ([`00a7501`](
* CI: fix deploy condition ([`72c9a4e`](
* CI: deploy to test PyPi ([`129fe8b`](
* CI: shorten names ([`c12753f`](
* CI: download artifact to dist/ folder for correct upload ([`015e420`](
* CI: cache PIP packages ([`d351542`](
* CI: `build` depends on `test` ([`4fa054b`](
* CI: split build and deploy stages ([`cc3cc49`](
* CI: run deploy only after tests ([`3fa7c41`](
* CI: run examples ([`9e1ae0a`](
* CI: install numpy in advance ([`0aff2ac`](
* CI: fix syntax ([`1c88c4a`](
* CI: fix `runs-on` ([`fc1e2c9`](
* CI: mandatory `on` condition ([`c870bcd`](
* CI: remove Travis config ([`f54889b`](
* CI: mvp for github actions ([`1cbde3a`](
* doc: fix Travis icon URL ([`66a044c`](
* CI: deploy only on tags ([`66fff2c`](
* Merge pull request 16 from alekseik1/additions
Additions ([`beea682`](
* ref: cleanup ([`ea31c47`](
* ref: remove class Params ([`cbd6fbb`](
* doc: warn about specificity of some properties
build: increase version ([`2fcd1fc`](
* tests: consider relative volume ([`908b690`](
* Corrected imports in the header ([`0ebb924`](
* Corrected SI units, added fermion degeneracy and mass, documentation
Added example of usage into __init__py
Added possibility to input spin degenracy and fermion mass relative
to electron mass
Changed SI units for some values (for extensive values such as
energy, entropy). ([`2f5d163`](
* Merge pull request 15 from alekseik1/ci/simplify
Ci/simplify ([`192222f`](
* Merge pull request 14 from alekseik1/fix/13
Fix/13 ([`c7f5325`](
* CI: fix build path ([`2b8c9dd`](
* CI: use new processors on Travis ([`2bbb2c3`](
* CI: stop using docker ([`5673557`](
* doc: examples ([`2e3bc47`](
* ref: rename p -> P ([`a8a07e1`](
* deps: install numpy before fdint ([`7581112`](
* Fix/package installation (12)
build: improve CI config ([`f13b739`](
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into fix/package_installation ([`0c5e0e6`](
* doc: warn about numpy preliminary installation ([`f749968`](
* bad: remove python 3.5 tests ([`2c60a0c`](
* doc: incorrect package name on index page ([`46ce1ce`](
* doc: declare temperature and volume limits on the main page ([`fddeadb`](
* doc: fix module name in README ([`7b9b69b`](
* ref: rename module to `ifg` ([`0cf720f`](
* ref: rename `ifg` to `calculator` ([`37406e4`](
* tests: improve tests for volume array ([`fdbedb3`](
* Merge pull request 8 from alekseik1/ref/pytest
Ref/pytest ([`8d3ef7a`](
* CI: don&39;t install requirements before entering tox ([`a1c98f1`](
* cleanup: remove unused tests from unittest library ([`172cdd8`](
* tests: add test for left-right limits around threshold ([`5104c34`](
* ref: move volume and temperatures strategies to
ref: move `set_up` to ([`68c3e49`](
* tests: (ht) mu, F, C_S, C_T, C_P, C_V, S ([`a3f6489`](
* tests: (ht) pressure ([`e4eeb7f`](
* tests: add low temperature tests for S, C_V, C_P, C_T, C_S, F ([`d1703ff`](
* tests: move setUp to context manager ([`697b02c`](
* tests: add tests for low temperature mu and p ([`bb3d34c`](
* BAD: run only unit tests for pytest in tox.ini ([`b8904f9`](
* tests: add tests for converter ([`69d828d`](
* Merge pull request 5 from alekseik1/dev ([`d03a478`](
* ref: properties instead of functions. Shorter names ([`eeaf45e`](
* ref: generic getter for duplicating code ([`c86dde3`](
* flake: max line length -> 100 ([`00b21d9`](
* Merge pull request 4 from alekseik1/feat/tests
Feat/tests ([`456b487`](
* tests: asymptotics for Cp and Cv ([`3c2eb9c`](
* tests: fix build for Python==2.7 ([`65810d2`](
* tests: Converter class ([`a0b475a`](
* ref: move `convert_density` out of Converter class ([`5bbec68`](
* Merge pull request 3 from alekseik1/build/obsolete_sudo
build: remove obsolete `sudo` directive ([`9ff68e7`](
* git: add pre-commit config ([`a0d177c`](
* doc: description and examples for &39;Class usage&39; ([`bf5f24a`](
* doc: &39;Conversion&39; section description and examples ([`005d683`](
* doc: remove &39;functional usage&39; section since it is very buggy ([`8341d5f`](
* doc: warn about `from_si` ignorance ([`418dcf4`](
* doc: do not duplicate `from_si` param description ([`bc762c1`](
* doc: basic structure ([`ae53e0a`](
* ref: move examples to separate folder ([`dd8e069`](
* ref: remove old `` ([`8777e12`](
* ref: remove notebooks ([`4687706`](
* ref: rename package ([`8871912`](
* ref: add license ([`bcc69ad`](
* ref: move source code to the module folder ([`7880928`](
* ref: more comments ([`f8fdf63`](
* ref: change signature
fix: add `plot_dir` description to docs ([`3bb9126`](
* ref: small comment ([`1aa6189`](
* fixme: hack for proper asymptotic ([`9a69bdf`](
* exper: make T_range really high ([`e2f41bb`](
* notebook upload ([`7e741b6`](
* some notebook changes ([`ad4ddce`](
* update .gitignore ([`9b1197f`](
* add SI version of program ([`a736953`](
* README ([`e5650d2`](
* hw1 is done! ([`07d770d`](
* add .gitignore ([`9966930`](