
Latest version: v0.2.3

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* Bugs

* [Issue 20] Automaton.Edge now returns an `AP` or `PL` class object for AP, PL, LTL.translate().
* [Issue 17] Unexpected AssertionError when calling `PL(st=..)` and `LTL(st=..)` is handled resolved.
* [Issue 16] Bug in the printing PL, LTL objects was resolved.

* Game module

* [Issue 6] Gridworld class accept ``p1_action`` and ``p2_action`` separately.
* [Issue 6] Gridworld class defined with basic 4, 5, 8, 9 connectivity.
* [Issue 23] Implement ``game.define(tsys, spec)`` function.
* [Issue 4] Defined ``Kripke`` class to support ``TSys`` class. No special properties or functions are
associated with ``Kripke`` are defined or implemented.
* [Issue 5] Updated ``TSys`` constructor signature to accept ``p1_action, p2_action`` instead of ``actions``.
``TSys.Vertex`` now requires ``name, turn`` parameters. ``turn = None`` represents a concurrent game.
``TSys.Edge`` is updated to represent both concurrent and turn-based edges.

* Solver module

* [Issue 24] ``ZielonkaSolver`` class defined and implemented. The solver computes winning regions only.

* Utilities

* [Issue 11] Added `has_vertex`, `has_edge`, `get_edges` functionality to `Graph` class.



* Docker images

* Updated ``latest`` and ``dev`` docker images on docker hub. The latest image now ships with iglsynth installed.
* Set up a GitHub - DockerHub webhook. All pushes to master branch will trigger a docker image build.

* Documentation

* Added two examples:

- Game graph construction
- Logic formula definition

* Added installation instructions.
* Fixed bugs in documentation.



* Game module
* (core) Action class defined with "action" decorator.
* (game) Game class defined to represent Deterministic 2-player Game.

* Game can be of two kinds: TURN_BASED or CONCURRENT.
* Game can be defined by constructing the game graph (i.e. using game.add_vertex, game.add_edge functions)

* Logic module
* (core) ILogic class added as an interface class to define logic classes.
* (core) SyntaxTree class added to represent abstract syntax tree of an ILogic formula.
* (core) AP class added to represent atomic propositions.

* AP can be defined using decorator "ap".
* AP.__call__, AP.evaluate methods provide a way to check whether an AP is true/false in a given state.

* (core) PL class added to represent propositional logic formulas.

* PL.__call__, PL.evaluate methods provide a way to check whether the formula is true in a given state.
* PL.substitute provide a way to substitute APs in PL formula with their valuations (True/False) or other APs.

* (core) Alphabet class added to represent a set of APs.

* Alphabet.__call__, Alphabet.evaluate methods provide a way to get a label of a state.

* (ltl) LTL class is defined.

* Util Module
* (graph) Graph classes redefined.

* Defined "Vertex" and "Edge" base classes to define vertex and edge properties.
* Adding and removing vertices, edges is implemented.
* Accessing in/out neighbors/edges is implemented.

* Documentation updated.



* Game module
* Base class for writing different types of games is ready.
* Deterministic 2 player game is partially defined.

* Solver module
* Base class for writing solvers is partially ready.
* Zielonka attractor algorithm is implemented. Only a few configurations are supported.

* Utility module
* Graph class is ready.
* SubGraph class is ready.

* Examples
* An example from `EPFL Slides <http://richmodels.epfl.ch/_media/w2_wed_3.pdf>`_ is added.

* First release of IGLSynth



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