* Rewrite for computational efficiency of CGM2DayByDay
* Correct bug with ADRR that ignored time zone (worked incorrectly on daylight savings time dates) * Return COGI in percentage (rather than proportion) * Correct bug in gvp formula calculation
* Correct bug that makes mage not work on data with time supplied as POSIXlt instead of POSIXct
* MAGE vignette * MAGE default parameters for short and long moving averages are automatically adjusted in case of short length of glucose trace * MAGE automatically adapts to given meter frequency
* Add automatic filtering and warning in case multiple measurements for one subject at the same time stamp * Add automatic sorting of time before calculating MAGE * Allow to change some of the default parameters when calculatin metrics with all_metrics
* Minor bug corrections to shiny app * Correct bug wtih reading raw data from iglu pro