* Study class: a collection of Series instances.
Sort images into separate Series depending on SeriesInstanceUID.
* Patient and Cohort classes: Patient is a collection of Study instances,
while Cohort is a collection of Patient instances.
* Simpler import statements in user code: `from imagedata import Series, Study`
* Add support Python 3.11 (
* Series.to_rgb(): Added clip parameter whether clipping to DICOM window or
to histogram probabilities.
* Series.fuse_mask(): Color fusion of mask.
* Added Series.align() method.
* `input_order='auto'`: Auto-detect the sorting of Series,
depending on which DICOM attribute varies.
The input_orders time/b/fa/te are attempted in order.
* `auto` is now the default input_order.
* DWI images will typically have varying time. Let `b` values override the time stamps
during auto-detect sorting of Series.
* The dicom read has been modified to keep the UIDs of the input files.
This way SOPInstanceUIDs are correct when you later want to look up SOPInstanceUID from a DICOM PR.
* image_data.statistics: print patient, study and series properly.
* image_data.conversion: improved conversion of date/time for directory names.
* The series write() method now has an option to keep the UID when writing.
The UIDs used to be modified at output to indicate that the data might have been modified.
Do something like:
a.write(destination, opts={'keep_uid': True})
* DICOMPlugin: Catch errors when converting DICOM attributes to numbers.
* Header.add_geometry() takes one template only.
* Axis: Enhanced class with __getitem__ and __next__ to enable iteration over axis values.