- Update Pillow >= 8.1.1 due to high severity security vulnerabilities: - CVE-2021-27923 - CVE-2020-35654 - CVE-2020-35653 - CVE-2021-27921 - CVE-2021-27922 - CVE-2020-35655
Not secure
- Updated tests - Added `applySwatch`, `pixelate` and `removeBG` to `effects.py` - Added `exportFlatImage` to `io.py`
Not secure
- Updated classifiers - Added blendmodes - Use svgtrace to do the imagetracing - Use layeredimage to deal with more layered image formats such as xcf - Added make.py
Not secure
- First use of my updated cal versioning 😱 🎉 - Bugfixes: offset should now behave (tests seem OK, see readWriteLayered.py) flatten functions write a layer and no longer an image 😌