
Latest version: v0.7.0

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* in the cases of ORIGINAL/AUTODETECT image deleting, `generate_filenames` did not have the appropriate data


This release is not backwards compatible.
In order to better support alternate save methods (not s3), the S3 classes were nested into a 'saver' namespace
* adding s3_localfile for testing with local files (instead of uploads)
* `imagehelper.s3` is now `imagehelper.saver.s3`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.S3Logger().log_upload` to `log_save`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.S3Logger` to `SaverLoger`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.S3Config` to `SaverConfig`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.S3ManagerFactory` to `SaverManagerFactory`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.S3Manager` to `SaverManager`

* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.S3SimpleAccess` to `SaverSimpleAccess`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3._S3CoreManager` to `SaverCoreManager`
* added `ImageError_SaverUpload` as parent class of `ImageError_S3Upload`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3._SaverCoreManager.s3_delete` to `files_delete`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.SaverManager.files_save` to `files_save`
* renamed `imagehelper.saver.s3.SaverSimpleAccess.s3_file_upload` to `file_save`
* renamed most `._s3Config` to `_saverConfig`
* renamed most `._s3Logger` to `_saverLogger`
* renamed most `.s3_manager` to `saver_manager`
* renamed most `.s3_simple_access` to `saver_simple_access`
* renamed most `.simple_uploads_mapping` to `simple_saves_mapping`


* adding in support for pass-through uploads/encoding
* resizer config "constraint-method='passthrough:no-resize'" will not apply any size transformations
* resizer config "format='auto'" will encode based on source. GIF/PNG as PNG; all others as JPEG


* backwards incompatible changes
* gutted ``:
* multiple classes in `image_wrapper` now inherit from BasicImage, which wraps teh file
* `WrappedImage` now contains a `basicImage` and `pilObject`.
* multiple functions in `WrappedImage` removed. functions previously hitting `WrappedImage` should call the attributes of `WrappedImage.basicImage`
* `BasicImage` can "optimize" an image. this is accomplished by piping the data into gifsicle, pngcrush, jpegtran. This can be run on original and resize
* resizerConfig , resize and register_image_file now require information on optimizing the original & resize. NOTE - large images can take some time!
* NOTE - the optimization will not work on windows. this is because it uses NamedTemporaryFile to create files.
* now requires `envoy`, which makes using the subprocess module a bit better.


* simplifying interface
* splitting code into multiple files with better organization
* supporting Pillow , as PIL isn't really used by many people
* cleaning up S3 interface
* this entirely breaks older versions
* the older schema definitions ( dicts ) remain unchanged. the python
integration has completely changed
* started adding tests

notable changes :

* classes have been logically separated into different namespaces
* resizing does not automatically upload to s3 anymore. you must chain this
in your own code
* s3logger objects
** kwarg `bucket` is now `bucket_name`
** kwarg `filesize` is now sent on upload


- fixed setup script

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