* backwards incompatible changes
* gutted `image_wrapper.py`:
* multiple classes in `image_wrapper` now inherit from BasicImage, which wraps teh file
* `WrappedImage` now contains a `basicImage` and `pilObject`.
* multiple functions in `WrappedImage` removed. functions previously hitting `WrappedImage` should call the attributes of `WrappedImage.basicImage`
* `BasicImage` can "optimize" an image. this is accomplished by piping the data into gifsicle, pngcrush, jpegtran. This can be run on original and resize
* resizerConfig , resize and register_image_file now require information on optimizing the original & resize. NOTE - large images can take some time!
* NOTE - the optimization will not work on windows. this is because it uses NamedTemporaryFile to create files.
* now requires `envoy`, which makes using the subprocess module a bit better.