
Latest version: v2.36.0

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Imageio is now a dependency of `Moviepy <>`_,
which exposed a few issues to fix. Imageio is now also available as a
Debian package (thanks Ghislain!). Furher, we tweaked our function names
to be cleared and more consistent (the old names still work).

* All ``Xsave()`` functions are renamed to ``Xwrite()``.
Also ``read()`` and ``save()`` are now ``get_reader()`` and ``get_writer()``.
The old names are available as aliases (and will be for the foreseable
future) for backward compatibility.
* Protect user from bringing computer in swap-mode by doing e.g.
``mimread('hunger games.avi')``.
* Continuous integration for Windows via Appveyor.
* All imports are relative, so imageio can be used as a subpackage in
a larger project.
* FFMPEG is the default plugin for reading video (since AVBIN has issues).
* Better handling on NaN and Inf when converting to uint8.
* Provide dist packages that include freeimage lib and a few example images.
* Several changes to ease building into Debian package.
* Fixed segfault when saving gif
(thanks levskaya,
* Don't fail when userdir is not writable.
* Gif plugin writer has fps param for consistency with avi/mp4 etc.


In this release we did a lot of work to push imageio to a new level.
The code is now properly tested, and we have several more formats.

The big changes:

* Many unit tests were written to cover over 95% of the code base.
(the core of imageio has 100% coverage).
* Setup continuous integration (CI) using Travis.
* Imageio now follows PEP8 style guides (and this is tested with CI).
* Refactoring of the code base. Resulting in a cleaner namespace.
* Many improvements to the documementation.


* The FFMPEG format is now well supported. Binaries are provided.
* New AVBIN format for more efficient reading of video files.
* New NPZ format that can store (a series of) arbitrarily shaped numpy arrays.
* New SWF format (shockwave flash) for lossless animated images.
* Improvements to the GIF format. The GIF and ANIGIF formats are now merged.


* New simple website to act as a front page (
* Compatibility with Pypy.
* We provide a range of :doc:`standard images <standardimages>` that are
automatically downloaded.
* Binaries (libs and executables) that plugins of imageio uses are now
downloaded at runtime, not at build/install time. This simplifies
things a lot.
* freeimage plugin now fully functional on pypy
* Added utilities for developers (run ``python make`` from the repo root).
* PNG, JPEG, BMP,GIF and other plugins can now handle float data (pixel
values are assumed to be between 0 and 1.
* Imageio now expand the user dir when filename start with '~/'.
* Many improvements and fixes overall.


Not secure
* DICOM reader closes file after reading pixel data
(avoid too-many-open-files error)
* Support for video data (import and export) via ffmpeg
* Read images from usb camera via ffmpeg (experimental)


Not secure
* We moved to github!
* Raise error if URI could not be understood.
* Small improvement for better error reporting.
* FIxes in mvolread and DICOM plugin


Some more thorough testing resulted in several fixes and improvements over
the last release.

* Fixes to reading of meta data in freeimage plugin which could
cause errors when reading a file.
* Support for reading 4 bpp images.
* The color table for index images is now applied to yield an RGBA image.
* Basic support for Pypy.
* Better __repr__ for the Image class.


Not secure
* Fix in dicom reader (RescaleSlope and RescaleIntercept were not found)
* Fixed that progress indicator made things slow

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