Changed models
The following models might give some different sampling due to changes in
- :class:`imblearn.under_sampling.ClusterCentroids`
- :class:`imblearn.under_sampling.InstanceHardnessThreshold`
The following samplers will give different results due to change linked to
the random state internal usage:
- :class:`imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTENC`
Bug fixes
- :class:`imblearn.under_sampling.InstanceHardnessThreshold` now take into
account the `random_state` and will give deterministic results. In addition,
`cross_val_predict` is used to take advantage of the parallelism.
:pr:`599` by :user:`Shihab Shahriar Khan <Shihab-Shahriar>`.
- Fix a bug in :class:`imblearn.ensemble.BalancedRandomForestClassifier`
leading to a wrong computation of the OOB score.
:pr:`656` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- Update imports from scikit-learn after that some modules have been privatize.
The following import have been changed:
:pr:`617` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- Synchronize :mod:`imblearn.pipeline` with :mod:`sklearn.pipeline`.
:pr:`620` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- Synchronize :class:`imblearn.ensemble.BalancedRandomForestClassifier` and add
parameters `max_samples` and `ccp_alpha`.
:pr:`621` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- :class:`imblearn.under_sampling.RandomUnderSampling`,
:class:`imblearn.datasets.make_imbalance` accepts Pandas DataFrame in and
will output Pandas DataFrame. Similarly, it will accepts Pandas Series in and
will output Pandas Series.
:pr:`636` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- :class:`imblearn.FunctionSampler` accepts a parameter ``validate`` allowing
to check or not the input ``X`` and ``y``.
:pr:`637` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- :class:`imblearn.under_sampling.RandomUnderSampler`,
:class:`imblearn.over_sampling.RandomOverSampler` can resample when non
finite values are present in ``X``.
:pr:`643` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- All samplers will output a Pandas DataFrame if a Pandas DataFrame was given
as an input.
:pr:`644` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- The samples generation in
:class:`imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTENC` is now vectorize with giving
an additional speed-up when `X` in sparse.
:pr:`596` by :user:`Matt Eding <MattEding>`.
- The following classes have been removed after 2 deprecation cycles:
`ensemble.BalanceCascade` and `ensemble.EasyEnsemble`.
:pr:`617` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- The following functions have been removed after 2 deprecation cycles:
:pr:`617` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- The parameter `ratio` and `return_indices` has been removed from all
:pr:`617` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.
- The parameters `m_neighbors`, `out_step`, `kind`, `svm_estimator`
have been removed from the :class:`imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTE`.
:pr:`617` by :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`.