What's Changed
* Add error logging and improvements for handling IMDB requests by RileyXX in https://github.com/RileyXX/IMDB-Trakt-Syncer/pull/50
- Added support for error logging in `log.txt` for more thorough troubleshooting.
- IMDB requests are now properly handled by detecting errors and using retries where necessary (rate limit exceeded, server overloaded etc). Retryable status codes: `408, 425, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504`
- Improved rating, adding or removing items on IMDB. The script now properly waits until certain elements have loaded before executing the script.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RileyXX/IMDB-Trakt-Syncer/compare/v1.4.2...v1.5.0