- Ginga viewer support for images in matplotlib and QT backend removed, but replaced with HTML5 canvas viewer which is faster and simpler for users to both use and install.
- replaced custom fits with astropy.modeling, enabling Gaussian2d, Gaussian1d, Moffat1D and MexicanHat1D fits for lines and centering
- General bug fixes and documentation updates, including example jupyter notebooks
- Updated the default title display on plots to use the image name or specify an array was used
- added astropy_helpers as a submodule
- made xpa a submodule
- if users pass an nddata object to view() without a data reference it assumes one, but you can always specify which extension
- added better user access function for changing plotting/function parameters used to make plots
- updated to Read The Docs new site name
- replaced ipython dependency in the docs build with jupyter
- removed local copy of doc build, referenced to RTD instead, users should make PDF copy for offline work
- added the ginga embed functionality so that users can choose to embed the viewing window inside the notebook