* Added support for [ImGuizmo](https://github.com/CedricGuillemet/ImGuizmo)
* all components available in C++ (gizmo, curve, graph, sequencer, etc.)
* added [ImGuizmoPure](external/ImGuizmo/ImGuizmoPure): C++ wrappers around existing api with clearly marked inputs and outputs
* for python: ported pure API
* added set of twin demos showing usage [with C++](bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_cpp/demos_imguizmo) and [with python](bindings/imgui_bundle/demos/demos_imguizmo). A good example showing how to port features between C++ and python.
* the following items could not be ported to python (making a pure wrapper failed): ImGradient, GraphEditor, Sequencer
* Added support for [imgui_tex_inspect](https://github.com/andyborrell/imgui_tex_inspect), a texture inspector.
* Added support for codeless init of imgui_tex_inspect when using ImGuiBundle runner (future ImmApp), thanks to AddOnParams::withTexInspect
* 6ef5df64: added imgui.set_io_ini_filename() & imgui.set_io_log_filename()
Manual binding for ImGuiIO::IniFilename (naked const char* pointer)
* 778aabf3: Added imgui_bundle.em_size and visible_font_size():
In order to scale your widgets properly on all platforms, use multiples of this size.
(on MacOS with retina FontGlobalScale can be equal to 2)
(EmSize is an alias for VisibleFontSize)
* f6ae2072: generate named constructors if there is *no* user defined constructors
* 19ca013a: remove ImGui prefix from classes and enums => lots of API changes
* f9210578: ImPlot bindings: remove prefix ImPlot from classes and enums
* hardened stub typings with mypy
* imgui.backends: replace open_gl3 by opengl3
* immvision module now stable
* Lots of work on the CI and wheel generation